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"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Andre asked. I nodded confidently. "I am. I can't back down now. We're bothering them with a meeting on Christmas day. They're gonna be so pissed at me." I whispered. He laughed making me glare at him. "It'll be fine. They should feel happy for their alpha." He said. I chuckled before opening the big doors to the meeting room. They all grimaced while staring at us. "Sorry for bothering you on this special day." I said. It was early in the morning, 7am to be exact. "I needed to tell you this ASAP. Rumors travel fast." I paused. "And I honestly can't deny them." They gasped. "I have found somebody. And he is a guy. And he is human." They all started chatting to eachother. "But," I said louder so that they would stop, "I do believe he is my mate, and if not, then something close to it. I'm hoping you accept him, I know it's hard. But he makes my heart skip a beat." I chuckled. "And God knows how long he hasn't felt like that." Andre added. They laughed. I smiled at him. "And I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for my brother. Because he was thr one who insisted that I ask the boy out." I smiled at myself. "Thank you Andre. I don't know how I could ever live without you." I said before hugging him. He hugged me back. "I'm gonna let you all go now. His name is Isaac and he's coming tonight for our Christmas community party. If you think I shouldn't be dating him, then don't come near me to just say how wrong it is and Bla Bla Bla. I don't care. My wolf think it's right. So I think I'm gonna trust him for that one. He doesn't know anything about us so don't give it away please. Have a great day and see you tonight." I said before leaving. My brother followed me. I sighed deeply when I felt something hug me firmly. I chuckled. "Mum." I greeted. She squealed before kissing my cheek. "I'm so so proud of you baby. This is so good. I want to meet him. As soon as possible." I laughed and nodded. "Tonight mum." She grinned at me. My father shook my hand proudly. "Finally." He breathed out. I laughed. "Finally indeed." I chuckled. "Let's get back home. We have presents to open!" My dad exclaimed. We all cheered in response. Soon after, all the presents were opened.

My brother got from my mother her engagement ring. Which was pretty awesome. Obviously, it was for him to give to Eva but it was a great present. A beautiful ring as well. He died in her arms and tried to speak but no words came out. I smiled at both of them. "Good thing your mate isn't a girl. She wouldn't have been able to give her ring then." My father said, smirking. I laughed. "True story." I commented. He chuckled. They soon wiped the tears away, so we could continue. We got underwear and clothes as usual. And then my whole family got me this whole 'gay kit' which was pretty embarrassing. "I won't be needing this." I muttered, pushing it away. I didn't know what some stuff were but I didn't actually want to find out. "Don't tell me you've googled 'How to have gay sex?'!?" Andre said, mouth wide open. I glared at him before rolling my eyes. "I did not." I protested then frowned. I don't actually know how to have gay sex. Obviously, I know it's anal. But I don't know anything else. "You figured you weren't exactly informed about gay life?" My mother joked. I rolled my eyes at her. "Mother!" Andre exclaimed. "I don't need your help for information." I muttered. "Come on. Don't be stubborn. You need it." My father said smiling slightly. I groaned and took the kit back. I glared at it. A book. Condoms and something else. Liquid... Lube, is it called? "It's the thought that counts." I said, convincing myself not to through the kit. I'm gonna need it anyway. But they don't have to know. I got Andre a few CD's. "So you canput it on while you and Eva, you know what. Mine end up rusted." I cleared. He laughed. I chuckled. We laughed some more before opening the rest of the presents and to my surprise, my father got me a dog. We walked outside and there he was, waiting. A picture of a dog. I laughed and hugged my father. "Thank you dad. He's beautiful." I said sarcastically. He chuckled. "I thought you could use the company. I known it's not easy with Andre around." He joked. My brother pouted making me laugh. We had lunch soon after.

"I'm gonna get Isaac now. It's 4pm already." I said getting up. My mother grinned and squealed while clapping her hands. I put my shoes and coat on. I slid my gloves and wrapped my scarp around my neck before leaving. Christmas time is always a cold time. I arrived 20 minutes after and rang at the doorbell. "Nate." Elijah answered. I smiled. "I'm here for Isaac. Going to a party tonight with some school friends. I told him I'd help him pick a girl." I lied. I'm such a good liar. "Oh!" He exclaimed. "Really? Great." He grinned. "Come on in." I smiled. "Merry Christmas by the way." I said. He smiled. "Merry Christmas indeed." He smiled. Isaac came down soon after and I can't say he didn't look nice. He had tight jeans and hoodie, and I had to stare much longer than I was suppose to do. He looked gorgeous. He smiled and my heart skipped a beat. "Hey." He greeted. I smiled. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed his coat and shoes. "See you soon Elijah." He said before leaving. We got into my car before driving off. "I didn't know you could lie." He said out of the blue. I chuckled and shrugged. "I guess so." I answered, smirking. He giggled. "My mother's so eager to meet you." I said slowly. He frowned at me. "What did you tell her?" He asked. "That I had a boyfriend. She knew since the beginning though. Andre kept teasing me. Stole my phone and looked at our messages then started saying- sorry yelling I had a boyfriend when we were still just friends. My family's very open minded so they don't really care. As long as I'm happy." I shrugged then chuckled. "I'm warning you now, she gets overly excited when she meets someone new. She's gonna squeeze the life out of you when she'll hug you, because she'll hug you." I then said. I'm getting nervous. "My father's ok. They can both be really weird at some times. Like really weird sometimes." I pointed out, thinking about this morning. "Also they might-" I started but he cut me off, "Ok Nate. You can stop now, it'll be fine. Just take deep breaths." He grinned. I huffed. "It's really not funny Isaac." I said before blowing the horn. "Why do you do that anyway?" He asked. "Er..." I frowned. "Just something we do with my brother." I lied. He nodded and smiled. I got out of the car and opened his door so that he could come out. He blushed and smiled. I walked closer to him, so that our noses practically touched. "Can I kiss you?" I asked in a whisper. He blushed harder and looked at my front door to see my mother grinning at us. "Maybe later." He whispered. I nodded and backed away, glaring at my mother. "Oh I was so looking forward to that kiss Nate!" She whined. I laughed at her. She squealed before hugging Isaac really tightly. Like her knuckles were white she was squeezing him so much. "I think that's enough, mum." I whispered pulling her away. Isaac smiled sheepishly. "Hello Mrs Hamilton." He greeted. "Call me Lizzie." She huffed rushing him inside. I chuckled at his concerned face. "You're traumatizing the poor boy, honey." My father's voice resonated into the hallway. "I am not." She said frowning. I laughed. We walked into the living room to see Andre grinning at me. I smiled back at him. "Hey Isaac." He greeted. "I'm sure I saw you from somewhere." My dad told Isaac. He frowned. "Have you?" He asked. "Yep. I have a pretty good memory and you have a familiar face." I huffed. "Probably from the supermarket, dad." I said. "No. Somewhere else." I rolled my eyes. "He moved to town in September. It's not gonna be that complicated." I said chuckling. He sighed. "You want anything to drink?" I asked Isaac. He shook his head. I nodded. "Something to eat?" He smiled and shook his head. I really want to kiss him right now... "Well I'm finishing my program," my mum said sitting down on the couch, "and then we can get going." I chuckled. "Ok, mum. Going upstairs." I said taking Isaac's hand. "Be safe. Use condoms." My father yelled. I face palmed myself. "Sure thing, dad! Gonna be rocking the house down!" I yelled back sarcastically. He laughed. I chuckled and walked upstairs. I looked back at Isaac to see him frowning at me. We took our coats off. "Wanna watch TV?" I asked jumping onto my bed. He sat at the opposite end and shrugged. I chuckled and pulled him backwards so that he was next to me. "Can I kiss you now?" I asked, my hands on his waist. "You can." He answered. I went closer to him before pressing my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around my neck before kissing me again. My tongue swept into his mouth soon after. He moaned softly. I smiled down at him before climbing over him. "Wh...what are you doing?" He stuttered. "Kissing you." I whispered, crashing my lips against his. My lips soon trailed down his neck and his soft moan made my wolf come out a bit more. He pulled my face back up before kissing my lips. I started grinding over him slowly, mostly because I wasn't sure if I was doing any of this right but when I felt his hips lift up a bit, I became more sure. I breathed heavily as my lips traveled his neck. He moaned softly, making my jeans so tight. I could feel my wolf come out and I didn't know if I could control myself anymore. I kissed his lips again when I felt my eyes change. Oh gosh. I pulled back before laying down beside him. I need to stop. He breathed heavily, his face flushed. He wrapped an arm around my waist and smiled at me. I smiled back before pecking his cheek. "You're beautiful." I whispered, nuzzling his neck, inhaling deeply, filling my nostrils with his smell. I ended up planted soft kisses down his neck. I nipped onto his skin sometimes, making him moan slightly. My hands ended up on his butt, and stayed there as I kissed his lips again. Unfortunately, we were disrupted by my brother walking in. I looked up at him before removing myself from my current position, hovered over Isaac. His cheeks were a deep red. Andre smirked at me. I rolled my eyes. 'You should get your eyes checked out.' He said through the mindlink. I pushed my wolf back in before glaring back at my brother. "We're leaving now." He said before leaving. I sighed. Isaac smiled at me. I kissed his lips passionately before getting up. I felt Isaac entwine his hand with mine. I smiled before grabbing our jackets. We walked downstairs after. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned back to Isaac. I wrapped my arms around his waist before kissing him softly. He wrapped his around my neck. No one was in the hallway. I took the opportunity to push him to the wall, and lay my hands under his jumper, at the hem of it. I bit down on his lip gently before trailing kisses down his neck. He moaned softly. I kissed his lips again. Gosh. I want to stay like this forever. But everything has to end after a while. I berried my nose in the crook of his neck before closing my eyes and inhaling deeply. He smells really nice. I went a bit lower, inhaling the top of his chest when I heard someone cough awkwardly. My father perhaps. I opened my eyes, and looked up at Isaac to see him frowning at me and only then had I realised he was a bit tense. I must be creeping him out. I looked down akwardly before turning round. My father glared at me. I looked back at Isaac and pecked his lips softly. I couldn't help but inhale his scent one last time. When I looked at him, his eyes were wide and he had pushed himself backwards into the wall if that was even possible. I backed away slightly before walking to the living room. "Ready." I said, composing myself. "Sniffed enough?" My father muttered. "Shut up." I mumbled. "He's creeped out." I huffed before walking back out. I put my shoes before putting my coat, gloves, scarf and hat on. I frowned when Isaac wasn't there. I ran upstairs to go and check then looked outside but he wasn't there. "Guys!" I yelled. "Have you seen Isaac?" They all came towards me and frowned. "Scared him away?" Andre mocked. "Shut up. It's night time. Rogues come out at night. If he's left the house then he's in danger for Christ sake." I said before noticing his jacket and shoes were gone. I groaned before running outside.

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