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"Isaac!" I yelled. Come on. I walked hurriedly to the entrance of the "town" so to speak. I let my wolf out a bit so he could chase his smell. I started walking hurriedly into the forest. And vampires hang around here when it's night time. Gosh. I heard wood crack from in front of me. "Isaac!" I shouted again. His smell is getting stronger. I walked, rather ran towards his smell. I felt relieved when his silhouette appeared. I ran towards him and grabbed him by the waist, lifting him up as I turned him round. I smelt the area and smelt a few wolves and vampires near. I growled and grabbed his wrist before pulling him out of the damn forest. I heard him wince a few times but was too preoccupied in getting him out of here to really notice. "You're hurting me." I heard him whine, trying to pull his hand away. I stopped immediately and widened my eyes at what he said. I hurt him. Shit. I turned to face him to see he had tears falling down his face. "Shit." I cursed wiping his tears. "Isaac. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I whispered hugging him. I took a deep breath, sensing the wolves and vampires coming our way. We had set a sort of contract saying wolves from our pack shouldn't come at night time and the contrary for them. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing. We need to go." I said pushing him quickly. "But..." He stammered. I heard a growl from behind. "Run." I told him before pushing him. I ran with him for a minute before letting him run on his own. I took my clothes off quickly and hooked them on a tree before changing into wolf. Two vampires and a wolf. Shouldn't be that hard. I growled at them before lunging at the wolf first. I bit his neck and he immediately ran away. I attacked the first vampire but the second caught me mid fight. I growled at them before scratching them wherever I could. They were able to hit me and scratch me a few times with there long nails but I finally injured them enough for the to leave. I changed quickly and put my clothes back on before running back to Isaac, wherever he was. I sighed in relief when I saw him, pacing round. "Nate!" He exclaimed. "You left. I didn't know where you were. You..." I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. "Dropped my phone. I had to run the opposite way to come back here after." I lied. "I heard some growls a..and some other sounds... What was it?" He asked, scared. "Wild animals. They come out at night. That's why I wanted us to leave quickly." I lied, walking back to the house. "But I don't understand." He said, frowning. "You don't need to." I said walking into the house. "Oh thank God you're both ok." My mother said in relief. I smiled slightly, holding Isaac close to me. Thank God he's alright. "We should head to the gathering." I said. "Are you sure?" My dad asked. I nodded. 'Were there any rogues or vamps?' My brother asked through the mindlink. 'Gone now.' I said looking at him. He smiled softly and patted my shoulder. I sighed before we started walking out of the house. We had put a huge tree in the center of the community and we had decorated it with loads of stuff. Lights were everywhere and it honestly looked beautiful. I held Isaac's hand and smiled down at him. He smiled back. "I'm sorry for hurting your wrist." I sad wrapping my hamd around it. He flinched slightly but let me. It had a small bruise. I feel so bad. "I'm so so sorry. I was just so worried. I thought... I just didn't want you to get hurt or anything." I said frowning. He smiled sweetly and entwined his hand with mine. "It's fine." He whispered. I sighed. "Why did you leave? Was it because of me?" I asked, hoping the latter. "It was everything. A bit. But I was preoccupied with my father too." I nodded. I creeped him out. Gosh. I can't tell him I'm a wolf. He'll drop dead. Or never see me again. I can't have that. He can't know. "It's beautiful." He gasped as we arrived in front of the big tree. I chuckled. "It is." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his waist. I felt him tremble slightly. I frowned and looked at him to see him shivering. "Are you cold?" I asked. "A bit." He shrugged. "No scarf or hat?" I asked. He shook his head. I groaned at took my scarf off to wrap it around his neck. "Nate. I can't do that. Now you're gonna be cold." He pouted. I chuckled. "I'm fine." I smiled. "Here." I said, handing him one of my gloves. "We can have one each." I said. He grinned at me. "Did you fall while you were running?" He asked. "Why?" I asked. "Your clothes are a bit dirty." I chuckled. "Yeah. Once." I lied again. I need to stop lying. It's getting unhealthy. I wrapped my arm around his waist as he laid his head on my shoulder. "The lights are beautiful." He whispered. "You're beautiful." I said, kissing his cheek. He blushed. We walked through the Chrsitmas market some villagers had prepared afterwards. "Oh look." He said excitedly. "Let's play." He grinned pulling me to the game. I sighed. "It's supposed to be for kids." I deadpanned. "Oh wait. You are a kid." I joked. He slapped my arm playfully before smiling at the woman. "How many balls?" She asked, knowing who Isaac was already. As her eyes landed on me, she bowed her head slowly. I smiled at her. "How many?" He asked me. "Choose. It's on me." He blushed and mumbled a few rants. "4." He said nodding. She chuckled and gave him four balls. We had to knock all the cans to win. If we do win, we get a teddy bear. A big one. "Here. Hold this please." Isaac said giving me his balls. He took one back and smiled. He threw it at the cans, but missed and it landed on the floor. I couldn't help but laugh. He groaned and took another ball. I furrowed his brows and stack his tongue out as he concentrated. I noticed he did that a lot when he was concentrating to do something he couldn't do. He threw it but it flew above the cans. I chuckled and handed him his third ball. He threw it and whined as it landed right next to the cans. I pushed him to the side and threw the last ball easily onto the cans so that they would all fall. My brother and I used to do this every year when we were small. I stopped after realizing I was too good at it and removing all the joy of the other ones. Isaac frowned at me before pouting. "It's not fair." He mumbled. "Practice." I answered. He hit my arm but winced afterwards. I chuckled. "Sorry. I flexed. Shouldn't have. It was funny." I said smiling. He giggled. I laughed and pecked his lips before grabbing the teddy bear. I gave her the money. "Keep the change. Give it to your kids so they can get sweets or something." I said. "Thank you." She said sweetly. I smiled before we left. "Here." I said handing him the bear. "For me?" He asked. I nodded. "But you won it. And paid for it." I chuckled. "And I did it for you, Isaac. Because I lo-" I stopped myself from finishing my word, because last time I checked that was the word that scared Isaya away. I ended up shutting up and pulling him to some other stands. "You didn't finish what you were gonna say." He said as I stopped at a stand. "Didn't I?" I asked. "The word started with an L." He cleared. He knows. "Can't remember." I said shrugging it off. I bought some candles and other small stuff for the home. "Are you sure you don't remember?" Isaac said stopping me from walking and staring right into my eyes. I sighed and looked down. "You'll run away." I simply said. He frowned. "Is that what happened with Isaya? You told her you loved her and she ran away?" I shrugged. "I don't know. Probably. She left without a word. But I don't care anymore." I said. "I have you now. And you're better." I grinned. "I won't run away from you." He whispered kissing my lips. I kissed him back and smiled. "I love you." I whispered. He blushed bright red, and then giggled. "It wasn't that hard, was it?" He asked. "No. It wasn't." I said, noticing he didn't say it back. But he probably didn't love me yet and I don't blame him. He's only human after all. "Where are we going now?" He asked. "Home?" I suggested. He nodded. "Are you sleeping over?" I asked. "Daa." He said. I laughed. "You brought some clothes?" I asked. "Oh." He frowned. "I have some, no worries." I said. I notified my family we were going home after before we left. We took our coats and shoes off as soon as we got in and headed upstairs afterwards. "Shower tomorrow morning?" I suggested. He nodded laying down on my bed. "I am so tired." He drawled. I chuckled and lied down next to him. "We need to make your bed." I informed him. He whined. "Can't I sleep here?" He asked. "With my brother in the room?" I asked. "I can't be bothered to make the bed." He said lazily. "I can do it on my own." He whined and wrapped his armd around my neck. "I'm lazy for you too." I laughed. "Ok." I whispered, kissing his lips. "Go find some clothes in my draw and get dressed in the bathroom if you want." He nodded and got up. When he left the room, I got into a T-shirt and laid in bed. He came back soon after, T-shirt slipping off his shoulders. I chuckled and tapped the seat next to me. He got under the covers and smiled. "Thank you for the teddy bear." He whispered. "It was my pleasure." I answered, kissing his lips. He kissed me back softly. "Goodnight, Nate. And merry Christmas." He whispered. "Goodnight. Happy Christmas to you too." I answered, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him closer to me, burying my face in his curly brown hair.

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