Our second date(This will be a long chapter)

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Julien's pov
I woke up with Jenna sleeping on my chest. She is so adorable when she is sleeping but is even more adorable when she is awake. When I was sitting on the couch with her on my chest, my roommate David walks in. He looks like he is confused. I just tell him to get out and I'll explain later. She was waking up and she was wearing no makeup at all and she looked gorgeous.

David's pov
When I get up the first thing I see is a cute tiny girl on top of Julien's chest.  I had no idea what was happening but Julien told me to leave and that he will explain later. I grab a bowl of cereal and leave. He surprised me a lot but I didn't think that this surprise was going to be a girl.

Jenna's pov
When I wake up I see Julien watching T.V and I look like a mouse next to him. He didn't even mind that I just slept over at his house, he didn't care. He was so kind and sweet when I told him my stomach hurt. When he realised that I was awake he said good morning. I replied with good morning to you sir. Then, he asked me if my stomach still hurt and I said no. This time I was telling the truth. He really did care about me. Rachel was right, I knew I could trust her.

Julien's pov ( the first few sentences will be a repeat)
When I saw that Jenna was awake I told her good morning and she said good morning to you sir. Then I ask her if her stomach still hurt and she said no, this time I believed her. She seemed like she was telling the truth. I got up to get her breakfast and went back we cuddled while watching T.V and ate breakfast. I gave her a graphic-t and it looked gigantic on her, and I also gave her some sweatpants that were to small for me to sleep in. She looked like she was nine wheeling my old clothes. I loved it. Then I ask her  if she wants to redo the first date ( tho that was the best date ever for me). And she said yes. I told her that it would start at nine. So I took her home after a long day cuddling and doing nothing at around 7:30 so she could get ready.

Jenna's pov
Julien asked if we could redo the first date. But he didn't tell me where we were going but I just agreed because I trust him a lot. So he drops me of at my house at around 7:30 so we can both get ready. When he comes to my house at 9:00 we went to a silent park and he sat me in the middle of the park. What I didn't know is that he planed an entire picnic while I was getting ready. He also brought his laptop so we could watch a movie. It was the most thoughtful first date I have ever been on. We had fruit, crackers, and fruit juice. When we were watching the movie we were cub king together and when the movie ended I was half asleep on Julien's shoulder and he just looked at me and ( guess what happens next) and we lock eyes( oh my god they fucking locked eyes I can't believe it😲😲😲) and I looked into his green sparkling eyes. There's something about him and I know it.

Julien's pov
When we were watching the movie she was leaning against my shoulder. She was weightless leaning against me. I loved it. When the movie was over I looked at her and she looked amazing. She was half asleep and was looking into my eyes. When I looked at her I felt something. When the movie was completely over I cleaned up everything. I carried Jenna to the car. When I was caring her she wrapped her arms around me. Then I kissed her four head. When we got in the car she held my hand. I know that relationships are not based on looks but Jenna was the most beautiful girl in the world and I loved her. This was one of the best dates ever.

oh my god I got  one fucking view yet I'm pretty sure it's just my best friend but if it isn't then thank you to whoever that is because even tho it is only one person it still means a lot to me and I really am thankful for that ONE view. Me to myself " bitch now you are very reacting." It's true tho, to whoever that one person is I'm thankful for you and thank you. Bye!

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