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"Lets go," Perry yells from the kitchen. I pull my shoes on and put the letter from Stella on my bed. I'm hoping I can go see her in a few days and then get her to come back here with me.

Perry is standing with his arms crossed and a pissed off look on his face. I roll my eyes at him and walk out of our apartment and into the car.

He slides into the passenger seat right as I say, "God, Perry you're going to make us late. Again."

"You're fucking hysterical," he says with a straight face.

Perry doesn't know how to joke when he's nervous and I can tell he's nervous by the way his leg keeps bouncing up and down.

"Chill," I say.

"When we sign a contract for a record, I'll chill."

I nod and keep quiet for the rest of the ride.

We walk into a studio that is nicer than any studio I've ever been to, really it's nicer than any building I've ever been to.

We meet a few people, shake hands, then are ushered into a conference room setting. The man who we met at the bar is seated at the head of the table and other people in suits fill the rest of the seats.

"Nice to see you two again," Mr. Newman says, "we've worked out your contract."

Perry and I are looking at this man like he holds our futures in the palm of his hands, and he does.

The people around him are smiling and nodding so it seems like this could be a decent contract.

"One record, you do well we will talk about another. Now before we get into dollars and cents, we need to talk about your songwriter."

My heart stops beating at the mention of Stella. Stella should be sitting in the one empty chair next to me, not in our empty apartment figuring out her next move.

"Will she be writing your songs for this record? And when will she be in town to discuss and sign her contract?" Mr. Newman is looking directly at me. As if he knows that I'm the only one that can bring her here.

"She will be here as soon as possible," Perry answers in a tone that is so unlike Perry. He flashed me a look that says to keep my mouth shut so I do.

"Normally we'd hire one of our own songwriters to take over but we think there is something special in your songs. We don't want to take that from you guys," someone else says and Mr. Newman nods his agreement.

I want to tell them there's not fucking way I'd sing a song not written by Stella but Perry doesn't give me that chance. He is already shaking their hands and leading us back to our car.

"You need to get Stella here," Perry says.

"I'm working on it."

"I know," Perry doesn't look so convinced.

"I'm going to go see her."

"When?" He asks.

"I'll get on the earliest flight."


I have a new story out! Across the Country With You

Ellowyn and her best friend Carson leave their small town of Boulder City, Nevada to head across the country to Rhode Island

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Ellowyn and her best friend Carson leave their small town of Boulder City, Nevada to head across the country to Rhode Island. Their road trip is filled with weird stops, tons of camping, and a very cute guy named Ryder.

But Ryder is rude, stand-offish, and not part of the girls original plans. His dog was definitely not part of their plans either.

2,947 miles is a very long journey .

Can the three of them survive it?

You can follow their road trip by going to this site:
username: acrossthecountrywithyou
password: atcwywattpad

It's going to be a fun full-length story so I hope to see you there!!! Thanks for all your continued support.

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