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We finally have a day off from working on the record. Perry and I are sitting with a large bowl of popcorn in between us and more candy than necessary around us. He chose the movie, some superhero movie that I'm tolerating because I don't really care all that much.

"Where's Rory?" I ask. I feel like I'm constantly asking where he is. He gets up early to run, comes back to shower, then is out the door again before we head to the studio. It's been happening more often since I told him I want to keep the baby.

Perry grabs a handful of popcorn shoves it in his mouth, answering me with a full mouth, "I don't know."

"It's so weird," I say standing up to grab another bottle of water and another soda for Perry.

Perry shrugs, "Rory's weird. You're the one that chose him over me. Our baby would be much cuter." He says smirking at me.

I laugh and roll my eyes, "I never stood a chance with you."

He's laughing too when Rory finally walks in, "hey," he says kissing me quick before taking a seat next to Perry.

"What's so funny?" he asks.

"Stella was just admitting her love to me but I told her we can screw each other in secret. Once she has the baby of course, cause that's weird," Perry says.

I start laughing, spitting my water all over the counter, making everyone laugh harder. Rory hits Perry in the back of the head but he's laughing too. And finally it feels normal.

Rory and I are finally back in the same atmosphere and I can breathe again.

"So where have you been?" I ask sitting between them on the couch.

"I went to the bookstore to buy a book on baby names," he says, "but then I realized we can just look them up online. The font in those books are so tiny."

"That's where you've been this whole time?" Perry asks looking at him like I'm looking at him, like he's gone a bit crazy.

"Yeah, I stopped somewhere near P. There are so many names," he says.

"Stel and I already decided on Perry," Perry says.

"He's right. We decided while you've been gone every single morning," I respond.

"Girl Perry is going to be just adorable," Perry says reaching over me to pinch Rory's cheek.

"I also booked us a gig tonight," Rory says casually, ignoring Perry, before getting up and walking away.

"Wait," I say.

He turns around with a smirk on his face, "yes?" he asks innocently.

"Like you and Perry?" I ask.

"Like me, you, and Perry," he answers.

Perry gets up and high fives him. They are loud and excited and all I can hear is the blood rushing in my ears.

"Are people actually going to be there?" I ask my voice quiet.

"I hope so," Perry says.

"I don't think I can do this," I say.

"Yes you can. We'll both be right next to you," Rory says wrapping his arm tightly around my shoulders, already calming me.

"Well I'll be a little in front of you guys. I need the ladies to see me," Perry winks and walks to his room laughing to himself. The movie and food forgotten.


"I have never wanted a drink so badly in life," I groan and look at the growing crowed in the bar. I'm wearing skinny jeans, boots, and a black flowy top that hides my growing bump. I don't even know if that is "gig" appropriate.

"You look amazing," Rory says kissing my cheek reading my worrying thoughts. Just like he used to be able to. He smiles at me like he knows we are both finally right back where we should be.

I have never felt a rush of adrenaline like that before. The lights in my eyes, the crowd eating up our words, feeling our words. That is what I've always wanted. They all danced with us, repeated choruses, screamed when we finished our set.

This is what we were meant to do. The three of us. Leaving our little world in search of this bigger future. Together. And I can't believe it took me so long to finally catch up with them.

18 Letters to You [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now