Letter 14

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When we were at the store today and you stopped and stared at all of the baby clothes I thought you had finally come around. I thought you had changed your mind for good. You looked content looking at all of the pink and purple clothes then all of a sudden you were walking away from that section.

You closed yourself off again and I didn't know how to bring you back.

It seems like the only times you are truly happy is when we're playing music. I'm glad that we are so busy creating this record because at least you are happy and kept busy. But we have no time to talk everything through. We talk then we fight and it feels like we are getting nowhere.

I love you so much, Stella. I've loved you since the first time I saw you with your crooked pigtails and stained overalls.

But I choose her. I choose our baby. I'd rather raise her myself than give her away. Some kids don't get adopted, Stella. Some kids get thrown back into a system that couldn't care less about them. I've lived through it.

I'm not willing to take that risk.


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