Welcome Home???

438 9 2

I slowly open my eyes and the sun light hits my face.

I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand,as I yawned escaped from my lips.

I heard birds chirping and seen bright green leaves falling all over me.
W-What?What happened?!Where am I? I thought as I looked around my surroundings.

My back was itching really bad.
I felt something really small started to crawl all over my back and my neck.
"AAHHH ANTS!!!"I yelled and started scratching like crazy.
I look around my surroundings and just realize that I was literally sleeping outside on the grass.

"Ughhhh Rinnnn!!!Seriously I know that you like sleeping outside but this is just stupid!"I yelled and rolled my eyes while scratching my neck.

I stood up from the grass still scratching my back.

"Stupid ants" I mumbled underneath my breath while struggling to get the ants off of me.
I look up and seen a huge mansion.

Wait a minute wheres Rin???Did she left me??I thought
and turned around to see where she was.

I yawned and stretched my arms.
I started walking towards the mansion thinking maybe these rich people can help me find Rin.

I walk to the front door and knocked hoping that they'll help me find her.
I knocked really loudly in there front door.

I stopped and waited for someone to open it but noone answered.

I knocked on the door again.

"HELLO!!!HELLO!!ANYBODY HOME?!!"I yelled while knocking on there front door.

Then out of nowhere the door opened by itself.

"Oh my globs that was so cooolllll but freaky at the same time!!!"I said

I walk inside the mansion because who wouldnt I mean its a mansion for crying out loud?

I took a couple of steps inside the mansion and it was nothing but absolute silence...

YYOOOOOO!!ANYBODY HOME!!!!I yelled really loud.
My voice echoed in response.
I shrugged my shoulders as I was walking inside this huge living room.
There was a giant chandelier hanging above the cieling glistening through the light in the room.

I was walking in amazement.
Wow this mansion is awesome!!!I said


If I ever live here I can just walk up and down the stairs as much as I want because I loves stairs!!!!

I was walking and my head was hurting really bad!
I place my hand on my head and looked around to see if anyone was home.

Then I heard a noise and It kind of sound like snoring...

"Hello!!?"I yelled out and my voice echos throughout the room again.
"HHeelllloooooo!!!! ANYBODY HOME???"I yelled started to followed the noise I heard.

I stopped walking and I seen someone laying on a chair.

It was a guy

A really cute guy to be exact.


I fixed my hair which had small tree branches,grass,and my cellphone I have been looking for 3 weeks straight.
I started to walk closer to the very attractive guy laying on the couch.

Hello!!!!I said while smiling

No response

My eyes widen as I realized that he isnt breathing.
DUDE ARE YOU DEAD?!!!!I yelled in fear

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