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The one thing I hate about school is whenever your late to class everyone stops and looks at you and doesnt say anything.

Everyone,including the teacher,stares at you as if you was the rarest animal in the world.

Everyone blankly stares at you as if you comitted a murder or something.

It's seriously makes me so uncomfortable.

Im pretty sure Im not the only person in this world that feels this way.

Thats why I try my best to never be late to any of my classes in school.
I know it sounds ridiculous but hey Im just wierd like that I guess...

Ayato,Laito,Kanato teleported to there class leaving me alone in the hallway.

"Gosh dang it!!!Stupid idiots just left me without telling me where my class was!"I said amd groaned in frustration.

I kept barging in different classrooms while trying to find my class.

Ugghhh idiots I just have to find my own way to the class Im supposed to be in.I thought
I slowly open the door hoping that it will be my math class, and Everyone is staring at me.

Ugghhhh!!Man this is awkward!!! You idiots quit staring at me!!I said in my mind

"Oh look who decided to finally show up" The teacher said underneath her breath and rolled her eyes.

I look at her in shock.


Is this woman crazy!!I was only three minutes late?!!!


Crap I hope she doesnt get me after school dettention!
She looked at me in confusion and Ayato was laughing at what I said.

At my last school,I had so much after school dettention that there was a seat with my name on it-_-
Most of the time I had Dettention for stuff I didnt do!!

I was about to go off on her but I had to stop myself.
I took a deep breath and tried again.

"Oh....I m-mean Gomenasai Sensei" I stuttered in a "kawaii" shy voice and bowed like how I seen it in the previous animes I seen before.

The teacher smiled at me and spoke.

"Now class lets all pay attention to her now" The teacher said and the whole class was staring at me.

"Oh crap!!Not again!" I said in my head
"Tell us what your name is?" The teacher said while smiling at me.

The class was silent.

It was so quiet,you can hear a pen drop on the floor.

I smiled and coughed awkwardly

"I...ummmm..I....ummmm"I said and felt so nervous

"We just wanna know your name?"The teacher said looking at me with concern

I....I...ummmm.....ummm I said and I seen Ayato,Kanato,and Laito laughing at me along with the other students.

I gulped and took a deep breath trying to not get so nervous.

"Umm......Twenty-four?"I said and this time everyone looked at me with a blank expression on there faces.

Then after an hour later of uncomfortable tortue silence the class was laughing at me.

The teacher said something underneath her breath and put a fake smile on her face.

"Ally you will be seating right beside Laito and Ayato at the backseat."The teacher said to me

"WWWWWHHHHAAAATTT???"I said in shock


"Well whats the matter?"The teacher asks
"I cant stand them" I said mumbling
"Thats fantastic now go sit over there now!"The teacher smiled and points to my desk.
I walk to my desk and sit down in it.
"Hi Ally-Chan!!"Kanato said while smiling
I raised my hand

"Yes?"The teacher said confused.

Laito was laughing and so was Ayato.
"TEDDY DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING!!!!"Kanato said while crying.
"YEAH HUH!HE'S LOOKING AT ME WIERD!!"I said and Teddy was smirking at me.

Oh heck nawwwwww!!

I couldnt focus in the lesson because Laito keeps flirting with me and Ayato keeps poking me for no reason.
Then ayato kept playing with the back of my hair.

Also this classroom stinks,like right now it smell like a bucket of onions and hotdog water.
My eyes was watering up and I quickly covered my nose with my hand.

I dont know who this lady think she is!Thinking that Im just gonna sit here and smile as if this room doesnt even smell bad.

I raised my hand up to get the teachers attention but shes over here talking about how algebra is her husband...or some crap like that.

Oh my gosh!Look at meeeeee!!Shut up talking for a minute like Dang does she even stop for a minute to take a deep breath so that she can breathe like what the what?!
I mumbled while raising my hand higher.
After an hour later she finally called me.

"Okay, you have febreeze in here because I know you dont expect me to sit here for another hour smelling hotdog water and whatever the heck is going on up in here"I said making most of my classmates snickered

"No young lady I do not have any febreeze for me to freely just use..."The teacher said while shushing the whole class that was laughing

"WHHHAAAT?!Really are you seriously trying to play these games???Theres a febreeze bottle at your desk right behind you,like seriously stop tripping and start spraying that stuff in here!Theres no need for you to be so selfish!"I said to myself while covering my nose with the palm of my hand.

Ayato and Laito was laughing with everyone else in this classroom.
"Ally be quiet and no Im not gonna spray the air freshner in here"The teacher said while glaring at me.

"Then why in the world do you got a febreeze bottle in your classroom if your not  gonna use it!Like what the biscuits are you doing?!Are you trying to keep it for display?!Is this class a musuem to you?!Do you got something against all air freshners or something???"I said and the class was laughing even louder.

"Maybe if you dont talk so much it wont smell so bad in here"A random girl in the back of the classroom said.
Right now the guys that look
The girl was smacking her gum outloud as if she had only six teeth in her mouth.

I spun my body around while still sitting on my seat and faced her.

"...You're the main reason why airfreshners were invented in the first place,smelling like a bag of cornchips and regret."I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Ally!Thats enough!Keep this up and I'll send you to the principals office!"The teacher yelled

"Yes Maam"I mumbled and she flashed a smile while beginning to start talking about the math test tomorrow.


"Haha you got in trouble!"Kanato said while sticking his tongue at me.

When the school bell rang for a next class I was so  HAPPY but this freaking teacher told me I wasnt allowed to get up from our seats yet.
Everyone else left leaving us three in the classroom.

The teacher was lecturing me,and saying how I disturbed her class like that again she'll give us after school dettention.
It felt like forever until she said "You're are free to go"

She was saying something else but I ignored her and made a run for the door.
I yelled and ran out of the  classroom.

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