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Now I think about my day has been nothing but just bullcrap.
Like I just realized that not only
Rin got snatched by who knows what,but im stuck in this goosebumps freaky mansion with these dumb idiots.

After I got done doing my victory dance,I almost forgot about the whole "running away from a sadistic vampire"game.

I was trying to look for a window to jump out of until I heard a voice out of nowhere.

"Ally?Is that you???"

There was a door in front of me and it seemed like this was the dead end of the house.
Maybe this was the exit out of this place...

"Ally!Its me Rin!"

Wait a minute...


I yelled as I opened the door searching for her.


"Really?I've been here almost all day noone has found me yet"Rin said reading her manga on the floor.

"Where were you Rin!!? I've been looking for you!"I said

"I d-dont know...I woke up and you wasnt there!!
I was looking for you but somehow I managed to find this place.
So I tried to see if they could help me but all of a sudden I was in this creepy guy's room!"

"Rin who are you talking about?"I said closing the door behind me.

"I dont even know anymore all that I remember was some little kid with purple hair.
He was holding a teddy bear and I was tied up to a chair"
He was talking about a teaparty or something!"Rin said standing up from the floor.

I grabbed her hand and helped her off the ground.
"Rin is it even possible that we could leave this place?"I asked quietly and she shook her head no.

"I tried everything there is no exit and for some reason none of these windows wont open!"Rin said defeated.

"Son of a fruit loops and waffles cakes!!!"WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSE TO DO?!!"I said freaking out

"Wait I know that this may seem like a dumb idea but dont you have your phone with you..we can call the police or better yet we can call my family and let them know that there was some mistake in the address that gave us!"Rin said

"Yeah!Good idea Rin I"m going to go ahead and do that now.
Have you tried doing that?"

"Yeah but the white haired guy destroyed my phone..he seriously pissed me off"Rin said under her breath.

"I"ll go ahead and call them but first we need to figure how to outrun those blood sucking insects"I whispered

I look around to see if there was anything we can use around here.
"Maybe if we block the door with all of these bookshelves maybe it can give us more time to try opening the windows?"Rin said and I nodded.

"Yeah wait a minute.. I should find a knife or something!To find something to defend ourselves from these retards!"I said as Rin was struggling too move the book shelves in front of the door.

The both of us was already spilt up in the room we was in and we was looking around the room so that we could at least find something that could get us out of here.

Then I noticed something familiar.
I carefully picked up and wiped the dust away from the object I was holding.
I stared at it and fixed my glasses.
"Rin come here for a sec...."

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