Hungover & Gym

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   Kim pov

I woke up with a wicked headache. This is why I don't drink! I checked the time it was 1:00pm. I got out of bed and yawned my breath smelled like alcohol and different food. I remember from last night that I kissed Tyler I can believe I did that that's why I don't drink . I make my way to the bathroom the first thing I do is brush my teeth and then I turned tap fulling up the bath. I decided to go to the gym today I saw advertising 'forever fitness'. I took out my trainers and my track suit. I looked for my champion shoes,i got back to the bathroom right in time to turn off the tap. I throw my soaps and scents into the water then I lowered myself into it. The water was relaxing, I was reading till I fell asleep
I pack a bag with towel,water bottle and my headphone with my iPad and iPhone . I didn't eat anything big just an apple. I grabbed my keys and out of the door. I walked to the elevator and stepped inside. The elevator stopped at 4th floor and I hoped it wasn't Tyler. When the doors opened Amber was standing there was a gym bag hangover + Amber= major destruction.
She stepped inside with her earphones in her ears. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. I just ignored her. The elevator reached the lobby and both of us tried to step out the same time. She just rolled her eyes at me again and I backed off and she stepped out and I mumbled under my breath what a bitch! I walked outside of the hotel and walked to my car. I opened the back door and throw my bag in it. I opened the car door and sat inside. I put the address in the gps and I drove off.
I parked my car and walked inside the gym. I looked around and saw Amber and Tyler talking shit shit! I mentally slapped myself. I don't think they saw me so I walked to a spot and start stretching. I was stretching when I felt someone hovering over me. When I looked up it was the person I didn't want to see with my headache. It was Tyler.
"how can I help you?"I asked
"did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"
"get to the point Tyler!" I said getting irritated.
"I'm sorry but I'm surprised to see you at my gym". He owned a gym that's why he's so thick omg. By now I'm already in a standing position "really? I didn't know you owned a gym that's why that bitch is here?" I asked and pointed at Amber who was looking at me with the stink eyes.
"Amber and I have history Kim. She is a good friend of mine".
" I have to get back to my exercise to get my body in shape for all those eligible bachelors!" I said he looked angry and he walked off. I continue doing my exercise still getting the stink eyes from Amber.
It is 2:00 and I'm about to leave when I heard someone called my name. I was irritated so I turned and said,
" what do you want!"I shout but when I look it was a lady.
"I'm sorry I was just.."she looked sad
"no I didn't know it was anybody than Tyler or Amber because they are the only one who know my name here"
"I heard Amber and girl talking about you at weight lifting. Do you want to know?"
"really what a skank. No that's just a waste of time. What's your mama by the way?"
"oh my name is Shauna. I am a trainer here"
"oh that's why you have a good shape!" I saw a shade of pink on her cheeks. She's blushing.
"oh thanks. Wanna grab something to eat. We can go to KFC(kentucy fried chicken)"
"sure why not but I'm driving!"
"Thats cool cause I don't have a car anyways". We talked until we reached my car. She told me about herself and so did I.
"what do you want?" the cashier asked. I read the menu then ordered a big deal with corn,biscuits,coleslaw and Oreo cake. Shauna ordered the same and the bill adds up to $3500,i paid for all of it. We waited and then collect our bag and full our drink cups. When we are looking for a seat we both saw Tyler, Amber and two other guys eating. Are they following us!.
"I feel like we should go Shauna?" I said to her looking at them disgusted.
"I have no problem with that!" we were walking to the door when I felt someone hand on my shoulder then the person whisper in my ear,
" you are so dumb. It was Tyler Smith who send who send those flowers. He's after your ass!" the guy said and squeeze my ass. I was so shocked I stood there frozen. When I finally turned around it was the guy who bought me the flowers. He was one of them sitting around the table.
"Kim what the hell was that about!?" Shauna asked me but I was still in shock that I couldn't even answer. She slapped me and it brought me back to life.
" oh it's nothing really. Let's go the fries are getting cold!". We walked to my car and we ate inside, we played music and sang and turn on the AC. When we were finished I dropped Shauna home and we exchanged numbers. She is the only friend I had since my best friend Rosslyn died of sickle cell in high school. The memories still bring tears to my eyes. I sped off the curb and down the road.

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-krishy 😘😍😘.

Amber pov next
It will be in patois but not translation

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