Beorn and Truth

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Saphira's POV

Bilbo returned after scouting and seeing where the orc pack was with their wargs. "They haven't caught our secnt yet, but there is an other problem" he tells us.

"Did they see you?" Gandalf asks him.

"No, they didn't..." Bilbo started to say and was cut off by Gandalf.

"Want did I tell you, quiet as a mouse excellent burglar material" Gandalf tells the dwarves. Who started talking amongest themselves happily, while Bilbo still trued to speak.

"Quiet, Bilbo has something ales to say" I tell everyone and they quieten down.

"There is something else out there a beast" Bilbo tells us.

"Did it take the form of a bear?" Gandalf asks him.

"Yes, how did?" Bilbo asks.

"You knew of this beast" one of the dwarves accuses Gandalf.

"We can't stay here, there is a house close by where we can take refuge" Gandalf tells us.

"Friend or foe?" Thorin asks him.

"Neither, he'll either help us  or kill us" Gandalf answers. We then ran off towards the house Gandalf leading the way after hearing a loud roar. When we got closer Bombur took the lead banging into the door. "Unlock the door" Gandalf tells us and I ran to the front of the group.

I lifted the latch and the door flew open as we pulled into the house. As Gandalf entered the dwarves shut the door in the bears face. "Want was that?" one asks when they had looked the door.

"That is our host, his name is Beorn" Gandalf explains.

"The sin changer?" I ask remembering the stories I was told how the race was wiped out but for one. Gandalf nodded his head and explained it to the dwarves. How he can either be a giant bear or a strong man. But the man could be reasoned with unlike the bear. Even if he does not like dwarves much.

Gandalf told everyone to get some rest as the bear or Beorn left. But I could not sleep I felt something growing strong inside me as we grew closer to Erebor. I waited until the I was sure the dwarves and Bilbo were asleep before asking Gandalf. "Yes, as we grow closer to Mirkwood the bond to your family grows also. You feel when they are near always trust your instincts Princess Saphira" Gandalf tells me.

"So my family is in the Woodland Realm?" I ask.

"Yes, I think it is time you knew your family's names" Gandalf stated quietly. "Your brother is known as Legolas Greenleaf and he is the crowned prince of the Woodland Realm" he explains.

"But that would make my father..." I started looking over at the dwarves.

"Yes, King Thranduil is your father and the one who did not help them in their time of need" he tells me quietly. "But you cannot judge him by want you have heard from others Saphira. He is your father and deserves a chance to prove himself to you" he tells me.

"I understand Gandalf, please don't tell them. I fear they will lose their trust in me and Thorin only just became my friend" I tell Gandalf. He agreed not to tell them and we went to sleep in our separate bed rolls.

(the next morning)

I woke up before the others and heard chopping outside. I went to investigate with only my knife in my boot. A giant man chopping wood and released he must be Beorn. He spotted me and I curtsied avoiding his eyes as not to challenge him. "Thank you, for allowing my friends and I to spend the night while keeping watch" I say before straightening up.

"I am Saphira" I say introducing myself holding out a hand.

"Beorn, and if I am not mistaking you are Thranduil's long lost daughter" he stated. I nodded my head hoping the others were still asleep. "He has waited along time for your return and you look just like your mother. She was always kind to me" he explained.

"Please, do not speak of my family around the others. They do not know and I fear they may cast me out if they do" I ask him.

"You have my word Princess Saphira, now how about we make some breakfast for you and your company" he suggests. When the others woke up they introduced themselves in pairs. First Gandalf and Bilbo then the dwarves followed. I held in a laugh as Beorn played with Gandalf faking his growing temper.

I had already told him of the dwarves while the others slept. When we all ate breakfast Beorn told Thorin how he knew of Azog. By telling the story of his people the skin changers and how he became the last one. Beorn still had a chain on hi left wrist from when he was a prisoner. "You have to reach the mountain before the end of Autumn" Beorn states and Gandalf nodded his head saying Beorn was right.

"You are running out of time" Beorn tells him.

"Which is why we must go through Mirkwood" Gandalf tells him. But they both looked at me before turning back to each other. I knew they also met that is when I would be reunited with my brother and father. I didn't get much sleep last night wondering why my father abandoned Thorin and the dwarves.

"A darkness lies on that forest" Beorn tells Gandalf. Hearing this I hoped my family was ok. But Gandalf assured him that we would take the elfin road, which is safe. "Wood elves are not like their kin" Beorn states. "Less wise and more dangerous" he tells us and I shot him a glare. He bowed his head in shame remembering I was a woodland elf. Even if I was not raised there like my brother and father.

"But you will not reach the forest on foot" Beorn stated standing up. "I do not like dwarves, but I hate orcs more so I will help you" he said. He gave us horses and I discover Bella had traveled here with her saddle & bridle still on.

"Good girl" I tell her fondly stroking her nose.

"You have a faithful horse and have strong bond with it" Beorn tells me. "Go now why you have the light, but send my horses back when you reach Mirkwood" he tells us. "Of course you can keep yours Saphira, after all she is yours" he tells me and I smile. I thanked him before following the others as they galloped away over the hills. Gandalf and I took the lead with him a little ahead of me as he knew the way.

We soon reached the elven gate that lead the way into Mirkwood. Gandalf told the others to release their ponies so that they could return to Thorin. But I stayed on Bella as she walked over to Gandalf. "This forest feels sick" I said touching one of the tree trunks.

"Like there is a disease running through it" Bilbo added.

"Not my horse I need it" Gandalf says walking over to it.

"You're not leaving us" Bilbo and I say together.

"I would not unless I had too" Gandalf tells us. Bilbo told Gandalf how he found his courage in the goblin tunnels. He told us to stay on the path and not to enter the mountain of Erebor without him. "Saphira, I pray you find your family soon" he tells me quietly as he mounts his horse.

"The forest will try and lad you astray with illusions" Gandalf tells us. "Stay on the path or you'll lose it and never find it again" he warns us. Thorin then leads us into the forest as I followed the company on Bella who was nervous.

"It's okay Bella, no harm will come to you" I tell her soothingly in elvish. She calmed down and we continued to follow the company. Thorin lead the way staying on the path like gandalf told us to repeatedly.


Picture of Beorn above

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