You have all read or watched the Hobbit and know that 13 dwarves, a hobbit & wizard set out on a quest. But what if a young elf maiden joined them on their quest to reclaim their home of Erebor from the dragon. Saphira does not know who her family i...
I kept my hood up as we entered the elven kingdom. Tauriel lead me to a bathing area before going to deal with the dwarves. She told me only the royal family could use this bathing chamber. And as my family were busy I could bath in peace. I took off my clothes and entered the pool of warm water.
After drying myself off I put on the green dress I had brought from Rivendell. Then dried my hair plaiting it before placing my circlet on my head. Tauriel told me to leave my clothes as a servant would come and collect them for washing. She also told me she would have my weapons cleaned.
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There was a knock at the door and Tauriel entered the room after I said "come in." She smiled looking at me. She had cleaned up a little, but hadn't changed.
"You look just like Queen Christina" she tells me bowing.
"Thank you and I do not like formalities, so you may call me Saphira when we are alone" I told her in the common tongue. "Is there a less traveled route to the throne room?" I ask her and she nodded her head. "Can we go that way? I do not want other elves to see me before my Father and Brother" I explain.
"Of course we can" she replied also in the common tongue. "The king wishes to see you now and Legolas is the only other person in the room" she informs as she lead the way. "They are going to be so happy to see you" she states. "King Thranduil has finished talking to the dwarf leader" she says. "I do not think it ended well" she informs me as we reached a pair of double doors.
"Where is everyone?" I ask her.
"Preparing for the feast tonight" she states and knocks on the door. 'Enter' a strong male voice said in elvish. "I have brought the one who wishes to speak to you King Thranduil" she says as we enter. I was behind her head down when I hear to gasps from farther inside the room.
"Christine" one of them says and I lift my head to look at the king my father.
"Guess again Father" I tell him and he walks over to me.
"Saphira, is it really you? After all this time" he asks.
I nod my head and turn to Legolas who looks like his seen a ghost. "Cat got your tongue brother?" I ask him. Then was pulled into a tight hug by my father who looked close to crying. He told Tauriel to leave us and she did so. "I am home father and I won't be leaving this time without you or Legolas" I tell him in the common tongue.
"I thought my sister died when my mother did" Legolas tells our father.
"No, she was sent away by your mother for her safety and she has now returned home after 900 hundred years" Thranduil tells him. "You look so much like her" he sees as he looked into my eyes.
"I have been told, I also have some of your personality and am good with a bow like Legolas. Probably better actually after all I saved his life" I say sending Legolas a look.
"That doesn't count" Legolas tells me whining slightly and I giggle. He then ran over giving me a bone crushing hug. "I have little sister" he says and I could tell he was close to crying. Legolas then left to attend to other matters promising we'd catch up later.
"Father can you tell me why you hate dwarves? And where is the rest of my company?" I ask him. He nods his head and told me how he had a necklace built for my mother. By Thorin's father and how they never gave them to him. I understood now why he doesn't like elves, but that was no reason to turn his back on them. But he believes that it was the only thing he has left of my mother.
"The dwarves are in the dungeons" he tells me. "I offered Thorin a deal and he refused to accept it" Father explains.
"He is always stubborn, but father please release them. A few of them, Thorin included have saved my life on our journey. They also returned me to you" I asks him.
"I am sorry my daughter I cannot, if I do Lake town will be destroyed because of their quest" he tells me. I nod my head in understanding and then left to go see them. Father said he had other matters to attend to and that he'd have a room prepared for me.
Picture of dress above and or her hairstyle in the chapter