Next Morning

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Saphira's POV

I woke the next morning to someone carrying me in their arms. "What happened?" I asked opening my eyes.

"You were passed out near my house and I killed the dragon that attacked you" the man holding me said. That is when I remembered the events of last night and want the dragon did to me. Even though he is dead I will still be part dragon, because of what Smaug did before his death. But since he is dead I will never be a real dragon.

"I thank you for that, can you put me down? I can walk" I ask him. Nodding his head he put me down and allowed me to gain my balance before letting go. "What is your name?" I ask him as we continue heading in the direction he had been walking.

"Bard and I thank you for protecting my son last night" he tells me.

"It was my pleasure, now I believe your daughters are waiting for you" I state pointing to where I could see Tauriel. She was with the four dwarves and two human girls who spotted their father. As the ran to hug him I walked over to Tauriel who looked me over for injuries. However, there were only a few bruises, scratches and burns.

"I am fine Tauriel, now let us say goodbye to our friends. Besides I think a certain dwarf wishes to speak to you" I tell her in a teasing voice. I walked over to Bofur, Fili and Oin first. "I am sorry I cannot go with you my friends tell the others I said hi. It is your choice if you want them of my heritage" I tell them.

"You will always be our friends Saphira, be sure to improve the elves taste in music" Bofur tells me. I laughed quietly as I gave him a hug and then hugged Oin.

"One day I will show you some other elf healing skills" I tell him as i pulled away. "Fili, take care of that brother of yours and your uncle" I tell the third dwarf. He nodded his head and gave me a brotherly hug.

"Saphira, Tauriel take your leave of the dwarves" I heard my brother say behind us in elvish.

"Legolas" I cheered running into his arms as Tauriel turned away from Kili reluctantly. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I ask him pulling away.

"I am fine little sister and are you?" Legolas says. From the corner of my eye I saw Kili give Tauriel something. She accepted it before heading towards us and Kili looked at me.

"I am fine now there is one last person I need to say goodbye to before we leave" I tell him and headed over to Kili. "Now I Kili I didn't forget you" I state giving him a brotherly hug also. "Try not to get poisoned again anytime soon" I tell him jokingly.

"I won't I promise, take care of Tauriel" he tells me in a whisper and I nodded my head. Kili then joined the other dwarves as I went back over to Legolas. We watched them row across the lake towards the mountain.

"My lord Legolas and princess Saphira" an elvish voice called behind us. We turned to see a guard from Mirkwood standing behind us with horse bowing to us. "Your father sent me to tell you he wishes you to return to the forest at once. He also says that you princess will be in trouble for leaving" he tells us.

"Great not even a week and I am already in trouble with father" I mumble.

"Come Saphira, Tauriel" Legolas said placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"My lord, Tauriel has been banished" the guard tells Legolas.

"If there is no place for Tauriel, then I will not return. Tell my father this and protect my sister" Legolas told him.

"I will not return home without my brother" I state holding Legolas's arm.

"I must go to Gundabad for it's mark were on the orcs" Legolas told us. "Tauriel will you come with me?" he asks her. She nodded her head before going to get two horses. "Little sister please return home to father" Legolas told me.

"Not without you and Tauriel, I will wait here until you return helping the people of Lake Town" I tell him firmly. He sighed nodding his head in agreement as Tauriel returned with two horses. "Ride safely my brother and friend" I tell them as they mount their horses.

"My sister wishes to wait for me here until I return to help these people. I order you to protect and watch over her until I or my father arrives" Legolas tells the guard. Who nodded his head and held a hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me onto his horse behind him. We watched the other two leave before he took us to Lake town.


Picture of the Mirkwood guard above

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