You have all read or watched the Hobbit and know that 13 dwarves, a hobbit & wizard set out on a quest. But what if a young elf maiden joined them on their quest to reclaim their home of Erebor from the dragon. Saphira does not know who her family i...
Gandalf helped teach me to control my water abilities in my elf form before he and Bilbo left for the Shire. Elrond helped me with my new healing powers and touching me about the plants I can use. We made a deal that I would come by one week a month to study healing and learning about Rivendell. Galadriel contacted us saying the citizens of Lothlorien were happy with me taking over when she and Celeborn sailed.
Turns out I have some sort of birthmark on my back now between my shoulder blades identifying that I was part dragon. But as it is always covered unless I was bathing no one could see it. Katara and I get along well together. We met someone else like us his dragon's name is Eragon and his elf name is Caranoron. His dragon is a young red fire drake a little bigger then Katara and is very protective over her. But they aren't together and neither are Eragon & I courting each other. We met in our dragon forms near a lake.
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Caranoron accompanied me back to the Woodland Realm. We stopped by Erebor and Dale to see how the dwarves & Bard and his family were doing. Bard allowed us to spend two nights at his place while we visited both places. On the way to the Woodland Realm we went to see Beorn. He was happy to see me again and to met someone else like us. Even though Caranoron and I are not skin changes we are pretty close.
We finally reached the Woodland Realm that felt healthier then when I was last here. Guards met us at the elven road and bowed to me. "Welcome back Princess Saphira" they greeted and I nod my head back. They then mounted there horses and lead the way to the front gates. It took about fifteen minutes to get there and we ran into no trouble.
I dismounted Bella and Caranoron followed suit dismounting his horse Blaze. The guards dismounted theirs and a few stable hands appeared. They bowed to me before taking the horses away. I could feel Caranoron's curious gaze as we were lead to the throne room. I may have forgot to tell him who my father is. He knew I was future ruler of Lothlorien and Rivendell, but not princess of the Woodland Realm.
Father sat on his throne as we entered the room, but when he saw me he stood up and walked down the stairs to greet me. "My daughter has returned and it brings me great joy to see you" he says hugging me. "I have missed you, do you have control now? I want to hear everything" he states.
"And I will tell you father, but first I want you to met Caranoron" I tell him. "Caranoron this is my father and king of the Woodland Realm Thranduil. Father this is my traveling companion and teacher Caranoron" I say introducing them in the common tongue. Caranoron & Eragon actually has been teaching me and Katara how to fight in our dragon form. Katara is better at it then me.
"I thank you for looking after my daughter and want do you teach her?" father asks.
"I am like she is now and am teaching her how to defend herself in her dragon form. It is an honour to met the father of such a talented girl" Caranoron's tells him and I blush faintly. My father looked conflicted on how to feel.
"It is ok father we are not together and are only friends, besides his one thousand and 200 hundred years old" I explain. This relaxed my father and he had a guard show Caranoron to a spare room. "Before I tell you anything I have something for you" I tell him. Taking out the chest I had taken from Bella's saddle bag before she was taken away.
Giving it to father and he opened it slowly looking close to tears when he saw what it was. "Balin told me Thorin had him put away for me and said I was to have them. He gave them to me before I left for Rivendell. I figured it should be you who decides what to with them as you knew mother better" I explain.
After getting over the shock and shutting the chest father pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you so much for retrieving them" he says pulling away. "I think for now they well be hidden away until you are wed" he states and I blush. "Tell me more about this Caranoron" he says.
"Well he is the last survivor of his people and would have been king one day. But as he has no people or city to rule he travels a lot. He was raised by an old male dragon and that was who turned him. I don't know much else about his history" I state. I was trying to decide if now was a good time to tell father about Lothlorien and Rivendell.
"What is troubling you my daughter?" my father asks in elvish.
"When I was in Rivendell Lady Galadriel was there to talk to me about something important. Well she and Celeborn have no one to take over when they sail. She asked me to take over saying her people and Celeborn like the idea. Also Elrond asked me to take over Rivendell when he sails as none of his children wish to rule" I tell him quickly.
"So you are not only the future queen here, but in Lothlorien and Rivendell as well" father states clarifying want I had said. I nodded my head and then became confused. Wasn't Legolas next in line to take over when our father set sail. "Legolas does not wish to take over now that you are here to do it for him" father explains noticing my expression.
"But I know nothing of this realm and no doubt Legolas has been trained to rule here since he was a child" I state. "I grew up in Lothlorien and know their people well. I know the people in Rivendell better then the people of this realm" I say the last sentence quietly. "Lord Elrond wishes me to go to Rivendell one week every moon cycle to train in healing and in ruling Rivendell" I explain.
"You can also learn about our realm here and continue your training with Caranoron" father told me. I agreed and spent the rest of the time telling him of my journey before dinner time. I promised to continue filling him in on what I had been doing the best 900 hundred years.
The End
Picture above of Saphira's mark and of Caranoron's dragon Eragon in chapter.