Farewell and Necklace

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Saphira's POV

"I can't go back" I heard Legolas tell our father as I returned to them with my arm in a sling.

"Where will you go?" father asks him and Legolas does not answer. "Go north there is a ranger, he is the son of Arathron. He was a good man, his son may grow to be a great one" he tells him.

"What's his name?" Legolas asks our father still not turning to face him.

"His known as Strider, you'll have to find out his true name by yourself" father states. Legolas nods his head and gives me a gentle hug before mounting a white horse. "Legolas your mother loved you and Saphira with all her heart, more then life" father says. Legolas didn't reply only told father to look after me and that he would write to me.

"Are you heading to Rivendell?" father asks me in elvish once Legolas was gone.

"Not yet, there is one last thing I have to take care of" I tell him. "Father, you have to promise to let me do this on my own. Promise?" I ask him.

"But you're hurt and can't fight with your arm in a sling" he states.

"I'll be fine father, besides I'll have Bella with me and I'm sure Gandalf is heading that way also" I tell him.

"I promise, just return home as soon as you can and write" he tells me as he gives me a gentle hug. "I am so proud of you and the elleth you have become" he says. "I'll be waiting for your return" he says letting me go and I mounted Bella.

"Farewell father until we met again" I say on the common western tongue before galloping to Erebor. I reached it to see Balin and Bilbo saying goodbye as Gandalf waited near by with his horse & a pony. "Gandalf I am heading to Rivendell, do you mind if I tag along with you and Bilbo until then?" I ask him.

"I would be honoured to have you accompany us" He tells me fondly. "Now why don't you say goodbye" he suggests pointing to Balin and Bilbo. I nodded my head dismounting Bella and headed over to say goodbye.

"Balin thank you for allowing me to accompany you and taking me on an amazing adventure" I tell him. "Please tell the others Bilbo and I say goodbye" I ask him and Bilbo nods his head in agreement.

"Tell them yourselves" Balin states and points to the entrance of the Erebor. There stood all the other dwarves besides Fili, Kili and Thorin who died in the battle. Bilbo decided to talk first as Dwalin gave Balin a small chest which he brought to me. "Thorin told me to give this to you and that they are yours to do with as you wish. He hoped it would help ease things between our two races" Balin explains.

I opened the chest to see a white gem necklace glowing, it is the most beautiful piece of jewelry I have ever seen. Then I remembered father telling me about the white gem necklace he asked the dwarves to make for my mother. I released this necklace was the one my father was welling to go to war for. "Thank you, Balin you have no idea how much this means to me and I promise to help mind our races old friendship" I tell him.

Closing the lead I heard Bilbo telling the dwarves that they could always visit him and tea was at four. Bilbo also told them to not bother with knocking on the door. "You are always invited to visit to Saphira" Bilbo tells me as he leaves the others.

"Thank you Bilbo, I'll be with you and Gandalf in a minute" I tell him. "Guys thanks for bringing me on this amazing adventure and reuniting me with my family. You are always welcome in Mirkwood, but be sure to write first" I tell them.

"You are always welcome here as well Saphira" Balin tells me and the others nod their head in agreement. "Take care of your family and people" he tells me.

"I will and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. I am heading to Rivendell and on the way back to Mirkwood I'll stop by for a visit" I tell them. "Farewell my friends" I say bowing my head and the bow their heads to me. Once I reached Bella I placed the small chest in her saddle bag.

When I mounted her Gandalf lead the way to Rivendell saying we'd pop on to see Beorn on the way. As we passed through Dale we said goodbye to Bard and his family. Gandalf said we should reach Beorn's house by night fall and Rivendell in a couple days time.


Picture of the necklace above. This story is not over yet there are still 2 chapters left.

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