Blade and Radagast

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Saphira's POV

We found the cave and searched it for anything valuable. Some of the dwarves dug a hole and put chest in it that was filled with jewels. Gandalf, Thorin and I found elvish blades. Thorin and I kept the one each that we liked.  While Gandalf kept one for himself and found a smaller one giving it to Bilbo.

As we walked through a small forest we came across an old man being pulled by rabbits on a sled. He was Radagast the brown and was a wizard like Gandalf except he worked with animals in the forest. Gandalf spoke to him while we all just made sure we had everything.

The dwarves ponies had ran off, but not Bella. She is a very loyal horse and would stay by me until I sent her away. Just then two wargs attacked I killed one with my bow and Thorin killed the other with his new blade. "Warg scouts, that means a orc pack is close by" he stated.

"Who else did you tell of your quest besides your kin?" Gandalf asks him.

"No one" Thorin told him truthfully.

"You are being hunted and so will Saphira if they find out who she is" Gandalf stated. "Put on your cloak and hood they will protect you from unfriendly eyes" he told me. I did as I was told and they talked about how the get away.

"I'll draw them off while you make your escape" Radagast stated.

"They are wargs and will catch you" Gandalf told him.

"These are Rhosgobel Rabbits, I'd like to see them try out run us" Radagast tells Gandalf. As he got onto his sled I got onto Bella. I looked at Gandalf waiting for instructions.

"Go to Rivendell, we'll met you there" he tells me and nod my head. I kicked Bella and we galloped in the opposite direction of the others. But I didn't leave and watched Radagast get chased by the orcs on wargs. I used my bow and arrows to kill a few while staying hidden in the trees.

Just then I heard another warg and orc being killed. I turned to see the company had done it and in doing so giving away their position. I cursed them as I made Bella run to go help them even though Gandalf told me to go to Rivendell. I used the rocks as protection from being seen or shot.

No one had seen me yet as I continued to kill orcs and wargs. I watched as the dwarves disappeared into a hole of some kind following Gandalf. Just as the orcs were about to follow the elves of Rivendell arrived and killed them all. I galloped over to them and saw Lord Elrond with them.

"Lord Elrond, how have you been?" I asked as I pulled up beside him lowering my hood.

"Princess Saphira I was not expecting you I am well and how are you?" Elrond asks me.

"I am well and I was just heading to Rivendell" I tell him. I didn't want to mention the dwarves or their quest. "I am finally going to met my family soon" I tell him happily. "But I wanted to see you first before meeting them" I say.

"Well we are heading back now, so you can follow us and we'll protect you" Elrond tells. I roll my eyes pulling up my hood and followed him. It was annoying how all the men of any culture seem to think I need protecting.

"Elrond I found an elf blade, could you look at it later and tell me about it?" I ask him.

"I would gladly do it when we reach Rivendell" he tells me happily. On the way back he caught me up on want had happen since I last saw him. Arwen was apparently heading to Lothlorien to visit her grandparents Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn.


Picture of Saphira's blade above along with a video of the rabbit chase.

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