Chapter 1

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Leslie POV

"LLLEEESSSLLLIIIEEE" my twin Rachel yell at me and yes I know I have a twin

"WHAT!!!" I yell back


"OKAY WAIT" I said and went downstairs and I see Rachel with a big smile and dad with one too okay this means something good is gonna happen "So what the news?" I ask looking at my dad who keeps smiling

"Leslie, Sam is coming to visit" my dad almost said yelling and Sam is mine and Rachel older brother he goes to college so we don't see him

"Really? Yes I've miss him so much" I said Sam is my big brother he cares about me and listen to everything I say. I can't talk to Rachel about stuff she will go tell Amy and Amy will tell the whole school "So when is he coming" i ask

"Sam will be here in a week" my dad said

"I'm so happy, finally we can have a somebody in this house" Rachel said ya I'm the nobody at school I'm really shy and only have a couple of friends when Rachel is popular and is a somebody

"Rachel that wasn't nice when Sam comes I want you two to be the loving adorable twins, Okay?" our dad said

"Okay" we both said and I went back into my room and I sent a text to Micah

To: Micah

Me: Sam is coming to visit!

Micah: Really yay sorry I can't talk I have to go bye love you

Me: okay bye love you too
*End of the text message*

I put my phone down and I went downstairs because I have nothing to do, I see Rachel on the phone "Yes Amy I'm so happy Sam is coming at least there will be someone that is cool and popular I can talk too" Rachel said through the phone

"Girls come over here" my dad said and Rachel hang up the phone and put it in her pocket we walk over to dad "What are you guys doing after school tomorrow?" Dad ask us

"I have soccer practice" I said "and ya I'm team captain so I kinda have to be there"

"I have cheer and you know I can't miss that" Rachel said oh and the only way you can tell me and Rachel apart is she has highlights in her hair and she always wears her cheer uniform at school when I wear my normal clothes

"Oh ya I forgot about that" I'm sorry girls I thought we could have a game night" Dad said we haven't had a game night since me and Rachel were like 13 and now were 16

"Really dad a game night?" Rachel said and it sounded kinda rude

"It okay dad maybe when Sam comes we can have one" I said making dad cheer up which made him smile, oh and I almost forgot to say that our mom died when we were 10 and my dad only has is girls to take care of and we see our dad leave

"Really Rachel? For a cheerleader you don't make a lot of people cheer up" I said and she just rolled her eyes, she wasn't always like this we use to do everything together and during the first year of high school she started hanging out with Amy and started being a cheerleader and well change but I guess it okay

I was about to go upstairs but I hear Rachel on the phone with Amy so I decided to hear and yes I know it bad but hey I can be bad too "I know right Amy. What wrong with my dad having a game night it like I'm not a little girl anymore" Rachel said through the phone wow Rachel she is still on that I think to myself "Yes Amy that would really surprise Cole during practice" I felt nervous with that name Cole I guess it because I like Cole the boys soccer captain I try so hard not to fall more for him but I can't Cole is perfect and he is also dating Amy so I have no chance with him plus he is also the most attractive and popular guy at school every girl likes him, sometimes I wish it can be like the song Taylor Swift You Belong With Me, Amy will be that girl in the video that is going out with the guy and is the cheer captain, Cole is the guy that Amy is going out with and Taylor characters has a crush on and I'm like Taylor's characters has the crush on the guy and is jealous of the cheer captain that going out with him but at the ending he realizes he belongs to Taylor's character and I love that which is my favorite part and I wish that it will happen to us but I know it will never happen. I shake my head to get rid of what I just imagine and went back to listening to Rachel talking in the phone with Amy

"Ya that a good idea surprising Cole at his soccer practice with a cheer routine, Amy you are a good girlfriend" Rachel said to the phone I'm pretty sure Amy is not the best girlfriend I decided to go upstairs I got bored listening to Rachel and Amy I went upstairs and texted Jaynalei

Text Convo

Me: hey I just finish listening to Rachel and Amy

Jaynalei: lol what were they talking about?

Me: At first they were talking about that Sam was coming over and then our dad called us and said that tomorrow he was thinking about having a game night and you know we have not had a game night since we were like 13 years old and Rachel was being all rude so of course I made dad feel better and then Rachel grab her phone and started to talk to Amy again and Amy had this idea of surprising Cole during his soccer practice with a cheer routine

Jaynalei: wow longest text you have sent me lol and wow that is something different that Amy would do and also do you like Cole?

Me: i know right and yes I like Cole but I don't want to

Jaynalei: well I'm sorry baby girl you can't force love and gotta go I'll talk to you later se you at school tomrrow

Me: okay bye

End of text convo

Its around 8:30 pm so I decided to plan on what i should wear to school tomorrow. I look through my closet and I see a lovely blue sweater which I adore so much then I will just wear some leggings and I'll take my beanie that has an infinty sign. I hear someone coming upstaris I open my door slightly just a small crack and i see Rachel going into her room still on the phone with Amy wow those two can be on the phone for hours I go sit on my bed and then Rachel goes in my room without knocking

"Leslie I know you were listening to Amy and I conversation" Rachel said

"So" I said hoping she will leave

"So don't do it again Leslie I'm tired of you being jealous of me"

"Wait you think I'm jealous of you? Wow I knew you got a lot of things wrong but this might me the most wrongest thing you have said" I said to Rachel and she gave me the shutup look

"Your jealous becasue I'm popular and your not"

"Wow you just notice that" I said in the duh tone

"Don't be rude Leslie okay I'm done with you" Rachel said and I decided to say something back

"Okay then Dana doesn't like you and never will! I said Rachel isn't smart for telling me that she likes Dana

"Shutup Leslie" Rachel said and I started to laugh my head off my life with a twin sister I thought and still laughing

Next day---------

"GIRLS ARE YOU READY" our dad yell from downstairs

"IM ALMOST READY" I hear Rachel say

"OKAY IM READY" I said going downstairs seeing my dad getting ready for work

"Okay Leslie are you ready for school?" my dad ask

"Ya I am and remember Me and Rachel both have practice today so don't expect us to come home early okay" I told my dad

"Okay I'll remember" he said and Rachel comes downstairs with her cheer uniform and looks like she is ready for the day and our dad was about to go out the door so me and Rachel said bye

"And girls be good at school and don't mix each other up to skip classes again" he said which was true we use to do that but we stop when Rachel was a cheerleader and thought I was gonna ruin everything and then our dad left

"Okay I'm gonna leave and walk to school right now" Rachel said heading for the door

"Okay see you at school" I said but she don't respond and I was left alone so after 10 min I decided to start walking to school, on my way to school I started to put my music and listen to it the walk went so fast I was already at school

"Here I am at school or also known as hell" I said under my breathe

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