Chapter 12

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Leslie POV

I hate the mall. I've never ever enjoyed being here "Let's go in here" Cole said heading to Charlotte Russe. I rolled my eyes since I hate shopping "Don't have that face on."

"What face?" I ask and smiled pretending I didn't know what he is talking about.

In the store Cole drag me around! trying to find something. "What about this?" He said holding a dress with flower patterns. I look at him and gave him a confused look "Okay I know you don't like wearing dresses but it won't hurt to try." Cole said. I wasn't sure but I decided to go try it on

"Cole, I'll try it on." I said and grab the dress from him. I go to the dressing room, I change into the dress. I look at myself in the mirror. I feel so insecure just looking at myself, compare to all the other girls, I'm just me.

"Leslie it will be great if you come out so I can see you in the dress." I heard Cole said. I take a deep breathe before I go. I walked out and Cole was on his phone, he looked up and his eyes widen. Is that a bad thing?

"L-Leslie. W-Wow." is all Cole said I feel more insecure by the second.

"Cole I think, I should wear this I'll probably feel more comfortable in a skirt." I say looking at Cole who still keeps looking at me

"Y-Yeah O-Okay." Cole went to do find a skirt while I wait in the dressing room. Why is he helping me? Does he hate my style? No I shouldn't think about that Cole said he cares about me, but he could have lied to me...

"Leslie I got you something else," Cole threw the outfit over to me, it feel on my head "hope you like it and sorry if I hit your head." I look at the outfit it was a floral skirt, a t-shirt with the number 89 with a leather jacket. I gotta admit it was really cute and it wasn't all the girly plus I can wear my black converse. I tried on the outfit I feel more comfortable I didn't feel so insecure with what I had on.

"Cole, I like this outfit better I'll get it. " I tell Cole and change back into my clothes. I got out and Cole put his phone back in his pocket

"I'll pay." Cole said when we were at the register he got his wallet out

"No. I can pay for myself." I said and handed the money to the lady

"But I wanted to be a gentleman." Cole said a little to late

"Cole it's fine. I wanted to pay for myself."

"Awe, it's so cute how you two act. I love seeing young couples." the lady said

"Couple? Oh no we aren't dating." I told the lady a little to fast

"Yeah I just got out of one I'm not ready, and we are friends." Cole said fast too. I guess he doesn't like me.

"Oh, I'm sorry just the way you both acted it seemed like you two were dating." the lady said apologizing. I didn't blame her I would have thought the same thing.

"It's fine." I said grabbing the bags and ready to leave. I started walking to leave but Cole stayed. I see that the lady whisper in his hear he blushes a little, but I didn't know what the lady said I ignored it and didn't ask him.

Cole POV

I blushed when the last whisper in my hear she said that She can see I like Leslie and I shouldn't let her go I blushed because it was true then she said I should ask you out. I have thought of that but never really thought it was a good idea Amy would hunt Leslie down and things won't end pretty so I decided not too. Leslie waited for me she was on Instagram. I took my phone out to take a picture I posted it on Instagram

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