Chapter 14

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Leslie POV

"Well, you see Leslie you have another performance coming up!" My eyes widen.


"You have another performance!" Cole smiled. I stare at him like he's crazy! I can't go up onstage again? Or can I? I don't know. I'm worrying to much. "Isn't that good news?" Cole asking concern

"Yeah, but I'm still gonna be nervous I still have stage fright but it's gotten better, and how did you get me a performance?" The first time I sang was yesterday, how does someone get notice fast? "Where is it gonna be? When is it?" I have so many questions!

"Well I saw at a hotel last night that they need someone to perform at a party they are having and I told them about you and showed them a video of you singing that night and they said they love it and will be happy if you perform at the party! And it's on Friday." Cole smiled. I take what he said all in. Wow he did this for me.

"Thanks." I look down

"For what?"

"For believing in me. Without you I'll still be the quite girl nobody liked." I stared playing with my hand

"Don't say nobody likes you because I always did." Cole looked at me and smiled

"Thanks it's just happening way to fast."

"What do you mean?" Cole ask

"I mean that a couple days ago I was a nobody and a loner and now I'm "popular" and everyone wants to be my friend." I said Cole took my hand

"Well you gotta believe that this is possible." Cole said

"I know it's possible bu-" I got caught off my phone when off I took it out to see a message from Rachel. Wow this doesn't happen a lot.

Rachel: Leslie look on Instagram!

Me: Why?

Rachel: Just do it! You'll be surprise

"Who's is it?" Cole ask

"It's Rachel telling me to check Instagram." I said and went on Instagram. I have so many notifications and new followers! How did this happen?! I use to have 167 now I have 789! I look at the picture I was tag in

@Prettypinkkk: @lesliegarcia DID AMAZING!!! SHE HAS A VOICE OF AN ANGEL!!! AND SHES SO PERFFF!

Imagine a couple of days ago she was being mean. "Leslie are you okay?" Cole ask

"Yeah it's just Instagram. I got so many followers and got tag in a lot of things. It's weird since half these people were making fun of me a couple days ago and now think I'm perfect."I said Cole look at me and laughs I look at him confused. "Why is this funny?"

"Because those people are kissing up to you so you can become their friend, and get them famous." Cole said.

"Well don't worry I won't let them change me or I won't change at all and if I do tell me so I don't become a bitch." I said he nod

"So I was thinking with all those followers if you want to take a picture at the mall...with new clothes? Since you're about to get famous." Cole said

"Sure why not?" I said. We walked to the mall and had small talk. We got to the mall. Cole drags me to stores and it's gets pretty annoying. He drags me to Wet Seal. "Why do you always drag me somewhere are there is always dresses?" I ask Cole shrug

"Because you looks amazing in them." Cole whisper in my ear I blushed he smirk and grab a dress that was next to him. "Try this on." Cole said I look at the dress it was zebra print and it was kind of short. I hesitated before say yes.

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