Chapter 16

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Cole's POV

I can't believe I hurt Leslie! Why does Amy ruin everything?! I know we were a thing for a year but to be honest I didn't really like her personality. Amy was so pushy, bossy, and so mean. Now that I think of it why did I go out with her? Its because of popularity. Amy is the most popular girl in school and I'm the most popular boy, that's why we went out. I regret it. All.

"What's wrong?" Leslie ask looking at me I guess I was staring off to space.

"Nothing. So do you know what you're gonna sing on Friday?"

"Nope not a clue." she said laughing "Do you wanna do a duet?!" Leslie said getting all happy. I have never really sang in front of people. I'm not scared or anything I just don't want to do it, but for Leslie I'll do anything.

"Yeah, it would be amazing to sing with you." I said I hug her tight like she was my everything

She is my everything

Leslie's POV

I say goodbye to Cole and I'll text him later. I get home and Rachel comes running to me. "Damn you came in like a wrecking ball!" I jumped when she came.


"WHAT?!" I yelled back worried


"Awww I'm so happy for you and that's adorable." I said. Rachel and I haven't been fighting so much lately we have grown really close together. Again.

"And we are gonna have a date tomorrow! Wait what am I gonna wear?!" Rachel has gone from being the happiest girl in the world to a girl who is freaking out on what's she's gonna wear.

"Anything you'll wear will be fine and Dana will love it." I said sitting down but of course Rachel grabs my hand and makes me stand up.

"Leslie don't sit your ass down you are gonna come shopping with me." Rachel said getting her purse.

"Why me? Can't you take Amy?"

"First I love how you a dressing it's more girlyer and cuter," I look down at what I was wearing she's right. "and Amy doesn't want to go at 8:00pm it's to late for her and she's mostly likely to go in a dudes pants tonight." Rachel said I laughed at the last one

"Rachel you basically called Amy a slut!" I laughed Rachel shrugs

"She kind of is...she was with so many other guys when she was dating Cole." Rachel said. My jaw drop

"Oh my god! That can't be true!" I said and I re think again it can be true.

"It's true she told me and I saw her once making out with another yeah she's a slut. Best in the business."

"Than why are you friends with her?" Rachel giggles

"The truth is I never liked her. I just pretended to be her friend since she was popular and cheer captain. Amy was always mean to me and I always knew karma is gonna hit her like a bitch so I don't worry to much about it and I never really wanted to be mean to you, Leslie. Amy made me and I agreed since I would be popular but I love you." Rachel said I hugged her

"We haven't had a twin moment in forever." I said hugging her. Rachel nods her head she has tears. I pull her in close. "It's okay I forgive you. Just don't change for Amy." I said and Rachel nods.

"I don't think we should go to the mall now anymore, maybe tomorrow?" Rachel smiles. I laughed

"I agree with you."

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