Chapter 21

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Leslie POV

"Are you serious?!" I ask having a huge smile on my face.

"Yes why would we lie about this?" Gabe ask. We all gave the boys a look.

"I can just kiss all of you guys!" I yelled Cole looked at me.

"I wouldn't mind." he said I pushed him playfully.

"Wait when is it?" Alex asked

"On Thursday." Dana said.

"So that gives us a couple of days to get ready." Rachel said.

"Yeah so we need to do this." Will said.

"Wait how did you guys make us get a gig at DigiFest?" I ask all the girls look at them.

"We got our ways." David said. Tina looked at him.

"Spill!" the girls and I said.

"Cole wouldn't you like to spill?" Dana said looking at Cole. Can this be good?

"Well, um...theres this girl I know named Amy who's dad is helping with DigiFest this year and I talked to her about having us sing there and she talked to her dad and her dad to talk the DigiFest people and bam we got a gig!" Cole said. I shooked my head. So Amy did this.

"So you used her?" Micah ask.

"Not really. She likes our music." Cole said.

"Yeah but she hates me." I said.

"Yeah she does but that doesn't mean she doesn't want you to have a career." Cole said we kept looking at him.

"Yeah it does." Jaynalei said.

"How in the world did you get her to do this?" Rachel ask.

"I've got ways to get a girl to agree." Cole said smirking we all rolled our eyes.

"So are you saying you used your charm?" Tina asked.

"Maybe." Cole said. We rolled our eyes

"Hey at least we get to perform there it doesn't matter how we got it." David said.

It was getting late we all had to leave. Tina already left with David, he's dropping her off at her house and I guess David is going home, well no duh. "Rachel let's go home." I tell her.

"Nah I'm good I'm gonna be at Dana's house." she said smiling at Dana.

"Again? You guys are using protection right?" I ask laughing at my own joke. They both looked at me Rachel through a pillow at me. "Hey I still need to ask I'm your twin." I tell her.

"Goodbye babe." Gabe was telling Alex and he left.

"Micah, Jaynalei do you want to stay over?" I asked them.

"No apparently I've been sleeping at your house more than at my own, well that's what my parents say." Micah said I laughed.

"I need to go home tonight so that's my reason." Jaynalei said. We said bye and they left Will also left with them.

"I can walk you home, it isn't far from mine." Cole said.

"Sure why not." I said awkwardly he nod. I tell Alex bye and I walk home with Cole.

We finally got to my house. "Thanks." I said to Cole I looked down.

"Welcome do you really want to be home alone with your dad and his girlfriend?" Cole asked me, I shook my head. "Do you want me to enter the house with you?" Cole asked I nod my head. I sorta don't want to go in with Cole but I don't want to see my dad with his new girlfriend. We go in together.

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