Chapter 6

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Cole POV

I need to find Leslie and talk to her. I finally found her at her locker she got her stuff and closed her locker I walk up behind her before she turn around when she turn around she look surprise

"Cole!" she said surprise, scared, and annoyed at the same time wow she really must feel all of those

"We need to talk" I said grabbing her hand

"No we don't" she said trying to get out

Leslie POV

"No we don't" I said trying to get out if his grip but he sadly is stronger than me he took me outside and I heard the bell ring "Cole let go we're late for class" I said still trying to get out of his grip. We are now in the back of the school I'm against the wall

"I'm sorry about what happen yesterday, I don't know what happen to me" Cole said he did look sorry but no

"No Cole, it wasn't right" I said

"Please forgive me okay, and I want to help you"

"I won't forgive you that fast and help me with what"

"Your stage fright, Leslie I can help you"

"Okay, When"

"Tonight. We can work on the project and I can help you" he said and I don't know what was I saying

"Okay tonight than" I said wait did I just say that

"Okay see you tonight" Cole said and kiss my cheek I blush a little wow he is such a flirt I thought to my self I closed my eyes and when I open them Cole was gone wow I went back into school and in the class I apologize to my teacher why I was late

Rachel POV

I'm in class bored out of my mind like always in this class "Hey Rachel wanna hang later" someone whisper to me and I turn around to see Dana I decided to be a little flirty

"What kind of hang" I whisper back

"I'll surprise you" Dana said making me blush

"Oh well I can't wait" I said winking and Dana smirk

"Okay class I've decided to give you guys the rest of the period off to do whatever, but I need to talk to some students" Mr. John said "And the first person I'll talk to will be Ms. Garcia" he said looking at me and everyone started to talk and do whatever and I'm stuck talking to a teacher but if I'm being honest this teacher is young and good looking, maybe this wouldn't be as bad

"Hey you wanted to talk to me" I said leaning on his desk wow I'm feeling flirty today

"Yes I wanted to talk to you, Ms. Garcia it looks like your grades are going down you use to be a straight A student what happen to her" he said and the truth was I'm never going back to be that girl no I prefer being the girl I am now

"Well I think she is lost" I said with a sad face

"Well what about your sister Leslie sure she isn't a straight A student but she can help bring your grades up"

"I think I'll need teacher help first and then maybe my sister will help me" I said in a little girls voice and the teacher cleared his throat

"Well okay Ms. Garcia I'll help you tomrrow you can come to my house" He said well my plan is working

"Okay I'll see you there" I said smiling and I turn around making sure he was still staring and I walk my little cute walk I did when someone is staring

Jaynalei POV

I'm at lunch waiting for Leslie and Micah, and of course I'm alone waiting for them they need to hurry up! "Hey Jaynalei want to sit with us?!" Someone said I turn around and it was Amy wait Amy? why did she ask that?"

"Wait what!?" I said looking confused

"Do you want to sit with us? You seem like our type"

"Um Amy I'm not sure if I should"

"Come on you don't want to be seen with losers for your whole high school life, do you" Amy said with her hands on her hips

"There not losers" I said getting a little mad

"Well there not popular so ya they are. And Jaynalei you don't belong with them, your more like us than them"

"No!" I said

"Well you should think about it really before you make a big mistake" she said getting a little mad that I won't go

"No Amy at least I know who I am and where I belong" I said standing up

"Please Jaynalei you don't know who you are till you sit with us" she said grinning

"Like I said before no! I won't sit with you!" I said that and she rolled her eyes and went back to her table with Rachel and started talking, I guess there talking about me. Then Micah and Leslie come and sit

"What was that about?" Micah said

"Well it was the bitch being a bitch" I said looking at both of them and they look at me, they want me to tell them, should I though? Ya I should I never lie. I look back at them and they're still waiting for me to answer "Well Amy came up to me because she wanted me to sit next to them, but I said no. How can I leave you guys? You're my best friends" I said and they smiled happy to know that I wouldn't leave them


How did that bitch say no to us or me? Like what the fuck is wrong with her head I have never been said no before! I went to sit back at our table and Rachel is there "So what did she say?" Rachel ask and I look at her

"She said no. I hope she knows she made a big mistake!" I said and Rachel nods

"Well let me tell you what happen in class" she said and she started to talk about how Dana wanted to hang out with her and how the teacher had to talk to her and said to get her grades up, and she told me that she is going to his house tomorrow wow she is a player I thought

"Wow Rachel you have boys wrapped around your little finger" I said giggling

"I know being pretty pays off" she said and Cole comes I get up to kiss him. Cole is like the hottest boy in school, I could have gotten another hot guy but Cole will have to do for now, I'm not saying that Cole isn't hot but I could do better. And Cole is the guys soccer captain and the most popular guy in school so it makes sense if I went out with him

"Hey baby" I said walking up to him and kiss him on his lips I made sure everyone saw. I made the kiss a little heated and I know Cole is enjoying it he keeps moving his hands everywhere. What can I say, I bet he can't wait till I go to his house.

Cole POV

I don't know what Amy is doing but I'm going along with it. I feel every ones eyes on us watching us almost make out. I kinda want to stop kissing her but I don't know how to stop her, every time I try to stop she doesn't so I always let her stop the kiss but what we are doing right now I bet it will last a little longer. She finally stop kissing me, I was happy that she stop I couldn't even breathe

"Did you enjoy that Cole?" Amy said winking

"You know I did" I said playing along

"Okay that's good, there is more where that came from" she said winking and I grinned and wink back and when she went to sit down I turn around and took a deep breathe

"Hey babe come sit next to me" Amy said and I turn around and smiled at her wow its hard to smile at her

"Okay babe" I said and sat next to her

Leslie POV

Watching Amy and Cole almost about to fucking make out in front of everyone hurts, I don't know why but it just does. It might be because I have this huge crush on him, but I have seen them kiss so many times why is it different now? I shook it off but Micah and Jaynalei know that I don't look fine. I told them that I was fine

-------------------LATER THAT NIGHT

I'm walking to Cole's house to work on the project and as he said to help me with my stage fright. Do I need help on my stage fright though? I like being the shy sporty girl, but I do feel Cole wants to help me, he wants me to show my talent and I kinda do too. I walk to his door and knocked I saw that Cole look out of his window and smiled "Oh what does this boy have planned for me?"

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