Chapter 19

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Leslie POV

I get off stage and run, I don't give a shit anymore I just run. I can hear Cole calling but I ignore him I shouldn't give a fuck anymore but I feel bad like I don't know how to explain but it feels wrong leaving him, but I think about what he did. I'm not sure if he feels bad. I ran. I didn't want to go home, I went to the park. I sit on the swing set thinking about well everything. How can I have just notice this? Why me? Why is it always me, the one being hurt?

"Leslie?" I hear a voice say

"I don't care who you are can you leave me alone?" I said

"I can explain" I turn around to see Cole that last person I want to see

"Explain what Pendery? That you have been using me? That have been changing me into your little Amy? That you lied to me? That you always get what you want? Well to bad because I'm officially done with your bullshit so before I go all Sharkisha on you I'll advise you to leave me alone, forever!" I yelled then I realized what I said, "Cole I'm sorry I know that was rude but I was done with the bullshit, sorry." I said quickly

"It's all right I get it you're pissed at me and I see why but you need to understand I didn't do it on purpose it was an accident I'm sorry." he said he came closer to me and kissed me "Sorry." he said again

"Cole I don't think we should do this." I said

"Do what?" he ask

"Us. I don't even know what the hell we are! Are we together are we not?! I also think it's not a good idea." I said Cole look sad

"But I love you." Cole said I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes

"I love you too, but sorry no Cole it's not a good idea." I said "I should go home the girls are probably going over there." I said but Cole pulled me closer

"Okay, but remember I won't stop loving you I want you to be mine forever." Cole whisper in my ear and I pushed him away

"Bye Cole."

I open the door to my house and I only see Micah and Tina "Where the others at?" I ask confused

"Rachel is with Dana, Alex with Gabe, and Jaynalei with Will." Tina said I nod

"Why aren't you with David?"

"Cause Micah told me what happen, I wanted to see if you were okay." Tina said. How did I become to lucky to have a friend like her?

"Thanks, I'm fine. I ended it with Cole." I told them. Both of their eyes widen. "What?" I ask

"What do you mean ended it?" Micah ask

"Like are you guys done?" Tina ask

"I told him it wasn't a good idea. Why do you guys care so much?" I ask

"You guys are my OTP this ship can't go down!" Tina yelled, I rolled my eyes

"To bad it went down. Besides I'm planning to have a singing career I don't need boys ruining that." I said Tina nod

"I understand that, but what about Cole he really likes you! Wait no I mean loves you!" Micah said. I shook my head

"It seems like he likes girls that are more like Amy." I told her

"No! He's been force to date Amy. He got so use dating a bitch I guess he accidentally change you into bitch number two, but he realized that tonight and he's really sorry you need to understand that." Micah said. How the hell does she know he's sorry?

"Yeah he should be sorry and he already told me that."

"Yeah we know it's always the same he goes after you and apologizes it isn't rocket science to get that" Tina said

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