Chapter 2

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Leslie POV

The day went kinda fast during first period I had math and I'm really good at it so that went by fast during 2 period it was okay I'm not a big fan of science when science was over I grab my stuff and went to lunch, when I get there I see Micah and Jaynalei already at the table I start to look around and I see Cole, Amy, Rachel, Dana,Gabe, Alex,Will,and Dalton sitting at their popular table but I can tell Alex doesn't like sitting there she looks over at me and says hi I say hi back I like Alex out of the popular girls she might be the only nice one, I went to sit with Micah and Jaynalei "Alex isn't gonna sit with us today" Micah ask

"No" I said looking down, Alex is our close friend but sadly she can't sit next to us all the time

"Don't be sad our boyfriends are sitting over there too" Jaynalei said pointing at Dalton and Will

"Well that sad" I said and out of no where Amy comes and spills her juice on me

"Oops" she said faking it "I didn't see you, like anyone else does" Amy said smiling and everyone in the lunch room started to laugh and I felt a tear down my cheek I see Micah and Jaynalei shocked I couldn't help see everyone there laughing, pointing, and taking picture and posting them online, but I stop looking at everyone when I see the table where Amy was sitting Alex had her hand over her mouth shocked, I see Dalton,Will, and Gabe just staring at me, Dana is smirking a little, Rachel is laughing her ass off, and I see Cole just looking at me not able to move and then my attention goes back to Amy who is still laughing I felt more tears going down my cheek so I ran out of the lunch room and into the girls bathroom crying on the way I went into a stall and locked it I started to cry so much if I were home I would have cut but I'm not at home I'm all alone in the bathroom with nobody I continue crying I hear the bell ring singling lunch is over and I hear everyone in the hallway laughing, and having a great time when I'm in the bathroom crying my eyes out then I hear a knock

"Leslie we know your in here" Micah said

"Yes just come out or you'll be late for class" Jaynalei said

"I think I rather be late or gone" I say through the stall

"Okay now we know which stall your in, we can get you out" Micah said and they both pulled me out

"Look up pretty girls don't cry" Micah said cleaning me up

"But I'm not pretty" I said

"Girl you look like Rachel, I think you are pretty" Jaynalei said making me cheer up. After that we went to class

Rachel POV

I'm in class but I don't see Micah oh I guess she is with Leslie still trying to make her cheer up about what happen which gotta admit was pretty funny and then Micah came into the classroom apologizing to the teacher and she took her seat in front of me I decided to have fun too "Hey Micah that was pretty funny what happen at lunch today" I whisper so Micah could hear me

"Shutup Rachel you must have a cold heart laughing at your twin sister like that" she whisper back

"Well maybe your next on Amy and mines list" I said

"Please I'm kinda popular and Dalton would kill you" Micah whisper

"Not if I make him like me, which wouldn't be hard because, look at me I'm what every guy wants" I whisper in her ear and I could tell I tick her off and she stood up and turn around and everyone in the class was looking

"OKAY, YOU ARE GONNA UNDERSTAND ME SLUT I DONT WANT YOU NEAR ME, DALTON OR ANYONE OF MY FRIENDS OKAY" Micah said looking straight at me and I couldn't help but smirk the teacher was looking at us

"Micah go to the principals office" the teacher said and she got her bag and left slamming the door

"Rachel you get a warning" the teacher said to me

"Okay I'm good with that" I said smirking

Jaynalei POV

I'm in class and I'm sitting next to Alex and Gabe "I still can't believe Amy did that" Alex whisper

"Ya I can't either she went pass the line" Gabe said

"Ya me and Micah found Leslie in the girls bathroom crying her eyes out I felt really bad for her" I said and the teacher look at us and we look down at the book and the teacher look around

"Why does Amy do this" I said

"I don't know why she is the most popular girl in school she doesn't need to win attention" Alex said

"Ya people will always look at her because she beautiful and cheer captain" Gabe said and me and Alex just look at him weirdly

"What!" Gabe said and me and Alex giggled

"Nothing, it just the way you said that was funny" Alex said still giggling "Its okay baby it good that were laughing at you" Alex said again

"Alex, Gabe, and Jaynalei please stop talking and laughing is disracting the class" our teacher said to us and turn around looking at the board and we look at each other trying not to laugh but we ended smirking and smiling like crazy our faces were at least turing red

"Okay but guys" I say trying to catch my breathe "Amy has done enough to Leslie, and why does she do it to Leslie tho? I ask when I realize that out of everyone why does Amy do it to Leslie, what did Leslie ever do to Amy? I thought to myself. I just shook it off and focus on what the teacher was saying

Leslie POV

I get into class and I see plus hear people trying not to luagh but ignore it, I just have to get use to it because this is how the rest of the day is gonna go which sucks thanks to Amy she just had to come and ruin the day its like her thing to ruin me but the more I think about it the more I want to ignore it. I hear the bell ring "Wow did I really zone out the whole class period" I said silently to myself and I just shrugged it off

The rest of the day went the same people laugh and people kept making fun of me which of course I ignore them, now it the last period the class I more want to aviod because the people in it Amy, Rachel, Dana, Cole, are in that class the good thing is that Micah, Jaynalei, Aex, Gabe, WIll, Dalton are in that class with me and the only nice people I know in there the rest are just mess up peole. I walk into the classroom and I see Amy, Rachel, Dana, Cole, Dalton, WIll,Gabe, Aex in their spots and then I'm happy to see Jaynalei in the class I walk up to her "Hey where is Micah?" I ask

"I don't know, I thought see would be here by now" Jaynalei said

"Same" I said and then we see Micah come in I hear Rachel smirk that can't be good I think "Hey Micah what happen?" I ask

"Your bitchy sister happen" Micah said looking at Rachel

"What did she do this time" I ask

"Well she was messing around with me and then got me detention" she said and then the teacher told us to turn around and stop talking and let her teach but ya that how that went. Class is about to end and I'm just waiting for that bell to ring but the teacher of course says that we have a huge project that half our grade, doesn't this day keep getting better and better I think to myself

"Okay class I'm gonna tell you your partners" our teacher said "Okay so Dana and Rachel are working" wow she will love that I think to my self "Alex amd Amy working together, Dalton, Gabe and Will are working as a group of three, Micah and Jaynalei are working together" the teacher said my heart starts to race my name hasn't been called yet and there only three other people including Cole my hearts starts to race "Leslie and Cole are working together"

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