Chapter 7

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Leslie POV

Cole open his door and smiled "Hey Leslie, I thought you weren't gonna come" he said smiling big now

"Why wouldn't I have come we need to finish this project"

"Should we do the project some other time?" Cole said and I look at him

"No we need to finish"

"Fine" he finally said

"Well we can start the project if you let me in" I said realizing I'm still outside

"Okay. Come in" I came inside and Cole went upstairs when I was about to go to the stairs Cole mom stop me

"Hey sweetie, do you want anything?" she ask wow she is so nice

"No thank you I'm fine" I said politely

"Okay sweetie if you need anything tell me and by the way when Cole came home the first thing he said was that a pretty girl was gonna come over and I thought of you" Cole's mom said and I blush a little

"Did he really say that?" I ask not believing what she said

"Yeah, he did he was so excited. And don't tell Amy this but I like you way more I have never like Amy" she said and I smiled at her

"Thank you. Well I gotta go back to Cole before he comes down" I said and went upstairs. Did Cole really say that? I thought to myself and blush. I entered his room but didn't see him where is he? I thought then I was on the ground, I feel someones arms around me. Oh my god! it was Cole's arms! He was laughing, well we both are on the floor so I guess its funny wait what am I thinking this isn't right no he has a girlfriend and he doesn't like me like that. Why do I have to have this huge crush on him? He smirk I guess he knew I was lost in my own thoughts

"Lets get up" Cole said and he got up he put his hand out for me but I didn't grab it instead I got myself up I don't need a boy to help me up, Cole look a little confused, but he ignored it "So lets start on the project" Cole said and broke the silent I just nod I can't say anything. I have no words.

Rachel POV

I'm on my way to Dana's house. I made sure to wear shorts and a crop top I let my hair down with my wavy hair with highlight, I look really cute. I see Dana's house, I sent him a text saying I was here, I stand outside till he opens the door, Dana opens the door and smiles wide

"Well you look beautiful"

"Thank you Mr. Vaughns"

"Come in Ms. Garcia, and you can go to my room my parents aren't here" Dana said winking and I blush

"Well you better hurry to get up there with me" I said and went running to his room I close the door when I entered leaving Dana outside of his room

"Come on Rachel open the door so I can be with you" Dana said begging I decided to have fun with this

"No sorry Dana."

"Please it will be better if we were in the same room"

"Nope you gotta make me what you in here" I said wondering what he will do

"Fine if I'm in there it will make the room hotter than it is just with you, I will make you so happy" Dana said I open the door to see Dana he smirk and went into his room. I look around his room and on his desk I see a pile of books I walk to the books, I pick one up and it was Hunger Games

"I love this book!" I said a little to loud and Dana look at me with a weird look oh yeah I forgot I'm the popular and pretty girl in school I'm kinda suppose to act like I hate reading

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