Chapter 8

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Leslie POV

I just kissed Cole! Why Leslie?! Why would I do that?! What is wrong with you?! I'm I really this stupid?! Ugh I hate myself!

"Leslie are you okay?" Cole ask and I look at him and I look back down. I started to play with my bracelets. "So your not okay?" Cole said, the only problem is I couldn't talk, all the things I wanted to say are stuck in my mouth

"W-Why did you kiss me?" I said and I couldn't even talk

"The truth is I think you really cute and I think I like you" I felt something in my stomach when he said that


"I said that I you're really cute and I think I like you" How does he say that like its nothing?

"R-Really you t-think I'm c-cute?"

"Yes is that bad?"

"N-No it's just that I have never been called cute" I said talking better now

"You haven't? I don't believe you" Cole said making me laugh

"You should believe it I'm the quite girl nobody talks too"

"That's why I'm here to help you. Now let's do this" Cole said and gave you his guitar "If you want to face your fears you gotta get use to singing in front of people let's start with me" he said

"Okay I can do this"

"I have died everyday waiting
for you, Darling don't be afraid,
I have loved you for a thousand years..
I'll love you for a thousand more..."

That's all I sang. Why did I sing that?! it's such a romantic song! Ugh I'm so stupid! He will think I have a thing for him! Which I do.....but do I really want him to know that? He probably already does! Ugh! Why am I so stupid?!

"Leslie that's was AMAZING! That is such a good song! Nice song choice!" Cole said making me leave my thoughts


Rachel POV

"D-Did you just say you love me?" I said and I realizing I'm doing what Leslie does when she nervous

"Yes I did because I really do love you...i just want to know if you feel that same?" Dana said looking nervous. Wow I never knew that boys can be like this

"I do Dana. I love you but should we start dating this fast like really?"

"I love this wise side of you, and it's your choice I can't decide for you."

"I'm sorry Dana I would really like to, but I'm so sorry but not right now." I said looking down hoping he'll understand

"Okay that's fine with me, let's go watch a movie" Dana said. Wow I came here wanting Dana to love me but he already did without me trying and he knows that other side of me...was that really love?"

Leslie POV

"Its almost time for me to leave" I tell Cole. After I finish singing we talk for a while, he said if I talk with him it would help me with my shyness I guess he is right I'm feeling less shy talking to him and I have the biggest crush on him!

"That sucks it would be better if you stayed longer"

"I have to go" I said

Cole gets up and helps me get my stuff I leave the things for the project here, because he is the one who is gonna bring it "I think that's all you had" Cole said and smiled he moved out of the way so I can go downstairs he followed and I saw his mom

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