Chapter 17

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Leslie's POV

This whole week Rachel has been hanging out with Dana, and I've been hanging out with Cole. Today was the day I was gonna perform at the hotel at the party. I'm nervous. Cole thinks I'll do great but I'm not sure so much has happen in the past week. It's crazy!

"You'll do great! Don't worry. Cole said through the phone

"I hope I do great, this can be the start of something great for me." I said I have been thinking a lot on what could happen to me.

"It is the start of something great for you."

"Who else did you tell?" I ask Cole, I know he told someone.

"I only told Dana, Gabe, Will, and David." Cole said, "And they're gonna come."

"Oh, okay." I said

"You'll he fine don't worry."

"I am worried."

"Don't be."

"Leslie come downstairs!" Rachel yells

"Hey I-" I got cut off before I said something

"Yep I know you have to go, I heard Rachel yell." Cole said. I smiled he knows me so well.

"Thanks bye." I hang up and went running downstairs. "What do you need?" I ask, dad comes in.

"How are my beautiful girls?" He said, Rachel and I stand there.

"Um...its been good." Rachel said a little to awkwardly.

"Girls, spill." dad said. He knows that we were lying.

"Well to start off I'm dating Dana Vaughns, and Amy hates me ass." Rachel said to dad.

"Rachel watch your language. What about you?" he pointed at me.

"I'm singing in front of people and I have a performance today, oh and Amy also hates me." I said. My dad looks down.

"I've missed a lot haven't I?" my said said. We both nod, he's been here the whole time but he's working so much. "I wish Sam was here, to help me out."

"We do too. He takes good care of us." I said

"But he has to be at collage making something of his life." Rachel said

"I know girls."

Rachel and I are in my room picking outfits for tonight. "Leslie wear this dress you'll look beautiful in it." Rachel said, she hold up a beautiful dress.

"Wow, why should I wear it?" I ask since it was beautiful.

"Because you're beautiful so the dress is made for you." Rachel said

"If you called me beautiful, you're basically calling yourself beautiful, so the dress is also made for you." I said

"Leslie, you just ruin the freaking moment." Rachel said, I laughed at her

"I'll wear the dress if you wear this." I showed her this lovley skirt with a crop top.

"That is so cute! I love it! Your style has gotten better." she said.

"I know thanks." I said and flip my hair.

"Wow the sass is real" Rachel said. Someone knock on the door "I'll go get it." she said and went downstairs. I look in the mirror, I smiled, wow I have change a little but it isn't a lot right? I don't know I just hope I don't turn into a bitch, that wouldn't end good.

"Hello, Leslie are you in here?" I heard Tina voice through the door

"Tina!" I said I hug her, we've been hanging out a lot since we met in person.

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