Chapter 4

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Leslie POV

"SAM!" I said yelling and hugging him Rachel join to

"I've miss my lovely beautiful sisters" he said kissing our cheek

"We've miss you too" Rachel said hugging him really tight

"I thought you were coming next week" I said

"I was but I also had this week away so I decided to come early and surprise you" Sam said then our dad came in

"Ah I see you girls have seen your surprise" Dad said kissing us and said hi to Micah

"Um Sam you forgot to say hi to Micah" I said looking at him

"Oh I did, well hey Micah I've miss you too" he said hugging her

"Yep miss you too" she said

"So where is Rachel best friend?" Sam said

"Oh Amy she couldn't come sorry Sam you will meet her tho" Rachel said

"Okay great so where are your boyfriends?" Sam said grinning

"Well I'm sadly single" I said looking down

"I'm single too but in working with the guy I like on a project so ya I might get one" Rachel said putting on a smile

"Oh okay I need to talk to him tho" Sam said "And Leslie don't you ever grow up I need you to stay forever single" he said

"Haha no I want to get married" I said

"Well then I'm hurt" Sam said making us laugh

"Well Leslie lets go to your room I need to talk to you" Micah said looking down at her phone

"Okay let's go" I said heading upstairs

"Micah and Leslie you guys are going up because you want to talk about boy and those kinds of things" Sam said yelling

"Oh shutup and grow up" me and Micah said at the same time which made us laugh

"Your brother is so funny" Micah said laughing

"Ya he is I've miss him so much,he's the only person I trust in this mess up family" I said putting all my stuff on the bed and lying there and Micah join in too

"I know right sucks I have 4 mess up brothers and i'm the middle child my older brothers are protetive and the younger ones annoy the living shit out of me" she said laughing

"When did I become so lucky to have a best friend like you" I said to Micah hugging her

"You know what woukld make this so much better"


"If Jaynalei was here but shes with Will which is so cute but we need her here" Micah said which is true her and Will are the cutest things but we need our bestie

"What about you and Dalton?" I ask raising my eyebrow

"We are going out later tonight" Micah said smiling

"Aww Micah your smiling your so in love with him" I said laughing

"Yes I will admit it I'm in love with Dalton Rapattoni" she said and look at me "What about you Leslie aren't you in love with Cole Pendery?" Micah said looking at me

"NO" I said and she raise an eyebrow "Maybe.." Micah kept on staring at me "Why am I trying to hide it Micah yes I'm in love with Cole Pendery" I said finally admitting it and she smirk

" I knew it" she said in a singing tone and I just laugh at her sillyness and my IPhone went beep saying I had a message I thought it would be someone like Jaynalei not a lot of people have my phone number I look at my lock screen and I almost drop my phone when I saw who sent me a message

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