Chapter 15

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Leslie POV

Cole catches up to me and makes me turn around. "How could you?" I said crying

"I can explain!" Cole said I shook my head

"No you can't! You didn't even let me talk to a dude but I find you making out with Amy!" I screamed Cole was about to say something but I caught him off. "Don't fricking say anything! I'm done with you, I'm done with your lies!" I said and went running out the mall. Leaving Cole in shock

I'm at home. I lock myself in my room and start to cry. Why me? Why is it always freaking me?! Someone knocks on my door. "Go away, I want to be alone."

"I don't think you want me to leave." I recognized the voice. She opens the door and comes to me and hugs me.

"Alex." I said and hug her back

"So what wrong? Why are you crying?" I hug her tighter

"C-Co-" I stuttered

"Cole." she said for me. "What stupid thing did he do now?" she said I laughed

"We were at the mall and Amy was there but he told her to go away and I went to Taco Bell and the guy at the register was flirting with me and Cole got pissed and he said he went to the bathroom but when I found him, he was kissing Amy." I said crying at the last part. Alex pulls me closer

"I'm sorry." she said I shook my head

"It's not your fault." I said

"You really like him don't you?" she ask and I don't know what to say I do like him still I don't know why after what he did. I nod

"I just want a relationship like yours. You can Gabe are perfect! Why can't that happen to me?" I look down

"Sometimes you need to go through the hard times to get to the good ones, I've been broken so many times, I went through the hard time and then I met Gabe and he made it all better" Alex said hugging me tighter "And Cole has more hormones than a girl, his mood changes all the time!" Alex said making us laugh

"And this is why I love you!" we both laughed

"I swear boys are complicated." Alex agreed "One second they are like the best person on earth and next they just break your heart."

"Leslie don't just keep talking about Cole and boys being idiots, just forget about it have fun loosen up, and don't think about them." Alex said I nod "Okay let's go make a cake!"

"Why cake?" I ask

"Because I want cake." Alex said in a duh voice I laughed. We made a chocolate cake and there is a hug mess in the kitchen! Don't trust two teenage girls to make cake.

"We have to clean this up!" I tell Alex

"Yeah we do or we'll be dead!" we clean really fast. I went to sit on the couch in the living room and Alex jumps on me and sits on my lap

"Owwww!" I yelled

"Opps sorry." Alex apologize and my phone beeps. "Someone got a message." Alex wiggle her eyebrows

"It's probably just Micah or Jaynalei wondering what I'm doing." I look at the message and almost drop my phone.

"Who is it?" Alex ask


"Cole" Alex finish for me again I nod. "What does it say?" I read the message

Cole: Let me please explain! It wasn't what it look like!

I gave Alex my phone to read she looks at me "Well answer him."


Me: Fine. Where?

I wait for him to answer

Cole: At the park at 6:00pm

Me: Okay fine but you better not make up shit

I said to Cole, I'm still mad at him.

Cole: I won't a promise! Thanks! I love you😘

I didn't answer after that. I didn't know what to answer.

"So you are gonna meet him?" Alex ask

"Yeah, he said he can explain."

"Do you believe him?" Alex ask. I don't know who to believe anymore.

"I don't know. I don't know who to trust anymore." I look down

"Leslie you can trust me, you know that right?" Alex sat next to me

"Yeah. I love you." I hug Alex "What time is it?" I ask Alex

"5:30pm" Alex tells me, my eyes widen noticing what time is it

"I gotta go get ready!" I yelled running upstairs Alex followed

"Calm down!" Alex yelled

"You're right. Why am I acting like this?"

"Maybe its because you're in love with Cole." Alex said. I think about what she said she is right I am in love with Cole.

I'm in love with Cole

I walked to the park wondering what Cole is gonna say. Is he gonna make something up? Is he gonna lie again? Should I trust him again? I shouldn't think to much about this. I'll just let him talk. I see Cole, he's at the soccer field kicking the ball. I walk up to him

"Hi" I said in a low voice. Cole looks up at me and hugs me. "C- cole, please let go." I chocked saying those words I never thought I'll say. Cole lets go and he looks at me and was about to say something but I cut him off "Cole if you're just gonna say lies to my face I don't want to hear it. I want to trust you and believe you but you make it impossible for me. Its like one second you are the sweetest guy I have ever met and then you turn into a complete douche. You got so mad when I was talking to Ethan I thought you actually care and love me but then I saw you kissing Amy and all my thoughts about you change, I thought you were just using me because you know you have an effect on me that I hate to admit. I guess my point is I'm done with your lies so you better not lie to me now." I stop talking we look at each other. I was gonna say something else but Cole cut me off by grabing me and kissing me. I try to pull away but I couldn't, my mind says no but my heart says yes. I stop thinking and kiss him back. It was a long sweet kiss that makes you feel fireworks. We finally pull away.

"I won't lie to you." Cole said "Just let me explain. Okay?"


"So what happen was, I was gonna go to the bathroom but i saw Amy and I didn't want to be near her but she ran up to me and started kissing me, I tried to pull her off but she wouldn't stop till I finally got her off but she said if i didn't kiss her like I use to she'll make your life a living hell. I had to kiss her so you wouldn't get hurt." Cole looks at me. So he kiss her because she threaten him and me.

"Cole, I'm so sorry for getting mad at you. I guess I was thinking the wrong thing. Do you forgive me?" I look down at myself. I'm an idiot

"I'm not sure if you should be apologizing and yes." Cole said "Leslie do you forgive me?"

"Yes. I do." I said Cole grab me again and kiss me, I kiss him back.

"I don't want us to get mad at each other again." Cole said

"I don't either" I said Cole smiled and made me smile.

The effect you have on me, Cole Pendery


I'm so sorry for the late update!! I feel bad why do I suck at this? please don't get mad at me.

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