Chapter 5

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Cole's POV

I was walking back to my room and I heard this beautiful singing voice and I go to my bedroom door and I see Leslie singing and playing my guitar and she look beautiful wait Cole no you are with Amy I thought to myself Leslie look so into it her eyes were closed and she was singing Red by Taylor Swift "Wow she can sing" I said quietly to myself when she was done with the chores I walk in

"LESLIE YOU CAN SING!" I yelled and she look surprise at what I said

Leslie POV

Did Cole Pendery just say I can sing I thought to myself I stand there holding his guitar he walks up to me and takes the guitar and puts it on his bed "Wow Leslie I never knew you can sing" Cole said sitting down

"W-Well people don't know a lot about me" I said sitting down with him

"Well they should, you can sing"

"I'm not that good"

"Oh my god yes you are Leslie! That was one of the best voices I have heard" Cole said making me blush he smiled "Leslie you should sing infront of people your amazing"

"I-I can't I have really bad stage fright"

"Well I can help with that"


"Yes I want people to know you can sing"

"Thanks Cole but I think I want to keep it to myself"

"Okay only for a while Leslie, I won't let you keep this amazing talented to your self for long" Cole said smiling which of course got me to smile "So Les, tell me more about your self" Cole said making you hear him call you Les makes you happy

"What do you want know, I'm a nobody"

"Well your not a nobody and tell me like what you like to do and stuff like that" Cole said wow I have been at his house for like a half and hour and all of a sudden he wants to know everything about me, but why though I just sang a little

"Well I really like to play soccer I've been playing ever since I was 3 years old and Rachel really didn't really like sport she only like cheer so ya" I said not knowing what else to say

"Oh I also have been playing soccer since I was little too, it keeps me busy" Cole said wow why does this boy have to be so damn attactive at that thought my phone goes ding I jump a little I check and I see Jaynalei and Micah are having a group chat

Text convo:

Jaynalei; LESLIE!! HEY

Micah: Jaynalei lets talk to Leslie when she gets back from Cole's house

Jaynalei: oh okay we can wait

Me: Wow I read this

End of text convo:

I put my phone back in my pocket and I'm face to face with Cole again "Who was that?" he said I can feel his hot breathe on me, we were so close to each other

"Umm it was Jaynalei and Micah" I said wow I swear we are so close to each other I look down and then up to see Cole eyes were with mine he was leaning in okay Leslie your about to kiss him I thought he close his eyes before our lips touch I stop him "I'm sorry Cole I just can't, its not right" I said and look at his reaction it was blank I counld't stand to stay here anymore I grab my stuff and went out of his room and went downstairs I said bye to his mom and left. I turn around to see if he was there and ya he was with the same blank reaction

Cole POV

"I'M SO STUPID! WHY DID I DO THAT?!" I yelled at myself I still can't believe I was about to kiss her like what the fuck was I thinking I'm with Amy my girlfriend, Leslie is some other girl but if I'm being honest she look so pretty sitting with my guitar and singing and talking to me she look beautiful, does that mean I think Rachel is pretty no sure she is also pretty but Leslie is diferent from her "No Cole stop Amy is the one for you forget about Leslie" I said to my self but there is only one problem I can't

Leslie POV

I ran home thinking about what was gonna happen I was about to kiss Cole Pendery I enter the house to see Dana and Rachel making out I ignore the disturbing image and went to my room I lock the door I started to cry but I don't know what about was it because what happen? I thought to my self "I can't talk about this to anyone" I whisper to my self

NEXT DAY---------

I woke up groaning that I have to go to school then I remember what happen with Cole I just have to see his face I don't need to talk to him, right? I thought to my self to be honest I don't know what to think anymore. I got ready for school and before I went downstairs Rachel pulled me to her room "What do you want?!" I yelled at Rachel then I saw her neck and it had a hickey and I laugh "O MY FUCKING GOD RACHEL" I yelled laughing "Did Dana do this?!" I ask

"Yes he did help me cover it!"

"Sam and Dad will kill Dana if they saw this" I said grabbing some make up

"I know! That's why I called you so I don't have to go like this to school! I would have called Amy but it's to early for that so your the next thing to help me!" Rachel said I did the best I can to cover it up but you can still see a little but it's the best I can do

"Sorry Rachel this is the best I can do" I said

"It's fine at least it's not that noticeable" with that we both went downstairs

"Hey sisters! Have a good day at school!" Sam said and we both hug him and left. We walked to school together for the first time in a long time but we didn't really talk. We are at school and Rachel found Amy and walk up to her and Cole was with Amy he saw me and gave me a small smile and I put a fake small smile and turn around I was looking for Jaynalei and Micah. I finally found them

"Ayo Leslie" Jaynalei said hugging me and so did Micah

"So how was your date yesterday you two" I ask

"It was great" Micah said

"Ya same but we were gonna have a group chat but you were at Cole's house" Jaynalei said grinning I push her a little

"Don't do that face! Nothing happen!" I said lying. Nobody can know what happen. We walked into the school Dalton comes up to us

"Hey baby" Dalton said kissing Micah and she blush

"Dalton! Can we please go to my locker?" Micah said taking him to her locker maybe for some alone time and Will comes behind me and Jaynalei and scared us

"Will you should really stop doing that" I said and Will just smirk

"I'm sorry it's fun. And I always like to surprise my girlfriend" Will said kissing Jaynalei "So you were at Cole's house yesterday what happen" Will said grinning

"Nothing happen!" I said yelling and Will laughed

"Well okay than Leslie" Will said and he grab Jaynalei's hand and took her away from me leaving me alone. I walked to my locker and on the way Gabe and Alex come

"Hey Leslie" Gabe and Alex said

"Hey guys" I said hugging both of them

"Well Gabe is taking me to class so bye Leslie" Alex said and they both left. I'm walking to my locker and I finally got to my locker I open it and got the stuff I needed for first period, I checked my phone and it's 6:56am I have 4 minutes till class starts I better start to walk there I put my phone in my bag and closed my locker when I turn around I saw the person I least wanted to see



Hey it's me! I will almost never do these at the end but I just want you guys too...




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