Chapter 9

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Leslie POV

Sam went upstairs and slammed his door, Rachel and dad look at me "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! I CANT BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT! I WAS SO HAPPY SAM WAS HERE AND I THOUGHT YOU WERE TOO! I GUESS I WAS WRONG!" Rachel yelled at me

I can't take this I'm done with these people! "SHUT UP RACHEL!" I Elle's and went upstairs to my room


"FUCK OFF!" I yelled back I went on my bed and began to cry. Why is this happening?

I got a text from Cole

Cole: Hey I'm sorry about what happen 😁

Me: It's okay it wasn't you fault

Cole: Well see you tomorrow at school☺️

Me: okay bye

I put my phone next to my lamp and I saw the picture of my mom "Mom." I say having tears slide down my cheek. I miss her so much I wish she was here to see what's happening. I hugged the picture still crying, I lied down on my bed holding the picture "I love you"

I woke up I woke up to my alarm, I smiled how my alarm is the song "Let it go" I went to the bathroom but I saw someone else's hand touch the door knob I look up to see Rachel she look irritated "I'm gonna use the bathroom first. So if I were you I'll be going somewhere else." Rachel said it was to early to be arguing so I let her go in. I went downstairs and saw Sam. Ugh I don't want to deal with him right now I them to myself

"Hey" Sam called and I look at him and look down "I'm sorry about yesterday about Cole and the rest" Sam said

"It's okay it was my fault I was late"

"No it's not okay I should trust you that your not lip locking with some boy" Sam said smirking making me laugh

"And I'm sorry for kicking in your balls" I said laughing

"Well you are a good kicker"

I laughed "Thanks. I should get changing or I'll be late" I said and went upstairs to change on my way Rachel comes out of the bathroom

"So when are you gonna apologize to Sam?" she ask

"I already did and stop acting like you hate me because I know you don't" I said making her roll her eyes

"Shut up and don't talk to me" she said and left. Ahh why is she so bitchy? I got change I wore colorful leggings with a sweater that say "Love it or Hate it" and I had my infinity beanie. I got a group convo with Jaynalei and Micah

Jaynalei: School ugh kill me now 🔫

Micah: Calm down we get to see Dalton and Will! 😊

Me: I'm sorry did you forget I'm single?.....

Micah: Opps sorry 😬 it's hard to believe that since you and Cole are becoming friends

Me: Yeah and we have done things that I should tell you guys but not through a text message in person...

Jaynalei: Okay please don't say it's bad

Me: it's not that bad but I have to go see you at school!

I put my phone down I hear the door close Rachel must have left I went downstairs "Leslie remember soccer today" my dad said and I smiled

"Yeah I remember" I said I decided to leave my comfortable house to go to hell wow that sounds like something everyone does ugh school Amy is there kill me now I walk to school I put headphones in I started to jam too the song 'Happy'. I finally got to school also know as hell. People at school are with there "groups" and Alex comes over

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