Chapter 10

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Leslie POV


I yelled to get him to see the soccer ball aiming his head! Cole's eyes widen, and the ball hits his head and he falls down! OH MY GOD COLE!" I yelled and went up to him

"Ow, that hurts" Cole said getting up "You kick hard for a girl" he said almost falling again.

"I feel so bad!" I said sitting down on my bed

"No it's my fault, I didn't say it was me"

"It's my fault for kicking the ball at your head."

"But you were just protecting yourself " Cole said he hugged me

"Yeah I guess I was, but I'm so sorry that I hit your head!" I said apologizing. Cole smirk

"I'm hungry, I think I'll go downstairs to get something to eat. You want anything?" I ask Cole and he got up and starts running downstairs and yelled

"Of course I want food!" He yelled and I pulled my sleeves up to run downstairs

When I got to the bottom of the stairs Cole jump out and scared me he laughed I went to the fridge to get a yogurt. While I open the fridge I forgot I pulled my sleeve up and I quickly pulled it down before Cole could see my cut wrists. "Can I have one too?" he ask I nodded acting a little weird. Cole looks strangely at me, when I handed him a yogurt he lightly pulled my sleeve up to show the cuts. I look down.

"I knew it" Cole whisper looking at my wrists "I had a feeling you cut today" he whisper again feeling sorry "But why did you cut?" Cole ask and I got a little annoyed with the question

"Why do you care?" I ask crossing my arms

"Because I care about you believe it or not"

"Well I thought the only person you cared about was Amy" I said and Cole came a little closer, he grab my wrists and kiss the fresh cuts

"I broke up with her, best thing I have done with her" Cole said looking up from my cuts "Amy was a really mean and rude person to you, I hated her for that because I care about you so much it kills me to see you harm yourself " Cole said and I believe what he said

"Tell me, why did you cut?"


I can't believe Cole broke up with me! Like really who would break up with me?! I'm me, the most prettiest and popular girl in school! Cole I will get you back!

"Hey what's up" Rachel came in asking

"Well Cole broke up with me! I'm pretty sure you knew that since you were there" I said like it was obvious. I swear I sometimes think why I'm even friends with this girl? She's not that smart ugh she's lucky, she's pretty

"Oh yeah, but at least you made fun of Leslie" Rachel said and I smiled at that comment

"You're right that was funny, and it made her look thirsty because she is" I said. I love the difference between Leslie and Rachel sure they look alike but Rachel has highlights and Leslie doesn't and the highlights make Rachel look so much prettier than Leslie but not as pretty as me!

"How do you stand being mean?" Rachel ask and I got a little tick off

"What do you mean" I smiled acting nicely

"I mean how can you say all this awful stuff about people?"

"Well, I like being number one, so to be number one you sometimes have to play dirty." I said walking around "and to play dirty is not to play fair"

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