Chapter 18

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Leslie's POV

"You guys sing so good together! How come I didn't know this?!" I said still surprise.

"Yeah same here!" Rachel said behind me, We are at our house after the concert last night we all crashed in the living room.

"You guys need to be a band it'll be amazing but it's a lot of work so you need to get all your asses to work!" Tina said we all laughed, someone knock on the door I went to open it.

"Hi, girl so how was it last night?!" Micah and Jaynalei ask.

"Amazing, you should have seen the guys sing together! They are amazing!"

"Wow. Are they gonna be a band or something?" Jaynalei said

"Yes, we are trying to work things out." Alex said.

"You know what, today you guys can sing at school." Micah said I look at her confused it's a Saturday.

"How it's a Saturday?" Rachel said

"Today I heard a lot of people are gonna have a picnic there, so I thought that you can sing there unexpected, just start to sing and hope people like it." Micah said.

"That's genius!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry but isn't it weird that we haven't had a say in this?!" Cole said and the boys agreed

"Okay so what do you guys say?" Rachel ask

"I say let's do this!" Dana yelled and the boys nod.

"Then we have a new boyband that's gonna take over!" I said, wow I'm actually excited! I don't know why I feel like all our lives are gonna change!

-------------2 months later------------

Cole and I still have this unknown relationship. I still wonder if we are more than friends or not? This is to complicated! I've been performing a lot in these two months so has the guys they came up with the name IM5. I love the name! They do a lot of covers and the girls and I are trying to make them write songs but they say they're not sure if they should. Today we are gonna have a concert at the mall and it's just us like I want it to be. Amazing! I don't understand when people have said I have change. I understand that I wear different clothes now, like I wear more skirts, dresses, heals, and just really girly stuff, I haven't played soccer in a long time my co captain took over since I was gonna be 'traveling' a lot and I couldn't be there. I do miss the sport but I've just been busy! Even Cole hasn't played! What's going on with us?! The only thing I don't understand is when people say my attitude has change like a bitch, I don't believe in that.

"Hey do you already have the outfit you're gonna wear?" Tina said. I nod at her direction. I got over my fears I'm never nervous or afraid of anything now. I have an amazing fanbase that wants me to do shows out of my state, but I don't have a manager either do the guys. We're all at Cole's house getting ready.

"Micah finally arrived!" Cole's mom yelled. Micah was the only one that wasn't here and now she is, "It's crazy in the house you can go with the other upstairs or in the living room or anywhere in here, they'll most likely to be running around!" Cole's mom told Micah, she laughed 

"Thank you Mrs. Pendery." Micah said. I go to her, Dana and David ran right in front of me! 

"Sorry Leslie! We are really busy!" they both shouted, 

"Wow it's chaotic in her," Micah said 

"No shit Sherlock!" I said, I did sound sorta rude, but I think it's because this house is full of crazy people, "Let's go upstairs," We went to the room across Cole's. I smiled at the memory at where it all started, in his room, we were suppose to be working on a project but we instead started talking and he left the room and I started to play the guitar and sing it was amazing! 

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