Chapter 11

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I think I'm in love with you Cole Pendery

Cole POV

I'm waking home thinking about Leslie. She's so talented! I need to get her to sing in front of people but how? Isn't there a school dance coming up? I have an idea I just need to call Alex she's in charge of the dance.

I call Alex "Alex hey I have something to add to the dance"

"What?!" she yelled through the phone

"Would you like a live person to preform?"

"Yes! Cole just tell me!"

"I was thinking that Leslie can sing!" I said

"Okay that's sounds great! Thanks Cole, bye" she said and hang up. I wonder how am I gonna get Leslie to agree to this I should have thought of that but oh well she can't say no. I walk into my house and my mom is there

"Cole! You're back" my mom said all happy I bet my dad is here "Your dad wants to talk to you he's in the living room, sweetie" I knew it. I go to the living room happy that I can talk to my dad he has been working so much I barley talk to him

"Cole finally we can have some father son time" my dad said I smiled "So tell me Cole how have you been anything new what about Amy?"

"Dad I've been good I have a new friend and she's so talented! Her voice is so amazing" I said smiling

"What about Amy?"

"I broke up with her today" my dad doesn't have a reaction

"Well sorry sometimes relationships don't last" my dad says "So what about this new friend? All I know she's a girl"

"Well, she the girls soccer team captain, she can sing, play some instruments, she's shy, her twin sister is Rachel, he older brother is Sam, she so beautiful, smart, kind, nice, caring, and I can just go on forever" I said smiling down and my dad smirks

"Cole I think you might have feelings for this girl and she sounds like she's part of the ugh what's there last name because I know Sam has twin sisters ugh what's their last name?" my dad said thinking to hard

"Garcia, she's part of the Garcia family" I said looking at my dad

"Oh yes, they are a nice family"

"I got her a spot to preform onstage at the school dance. I hope she won't get mad"

"Will she sing with you?" my dad said raising and eyebrow

"No. Sorry dad."

"And why would she be mad at you Cole?" my dad ask

"Because she doesn't know she's gonna sing at the school dance and she's really shy she has bad stage fright" I said really fast almost in a panic voice What am I gonna do?!

"Cole just promise me this. Don't ever go changing this girl. She seems amazing just how she is." my dad said looking at me.

"Okay I won't change her, but I will help her not to have stage fright"

Leslie POV

Cole left and I think about what I thought do I really love him? Well it's feels so right when I'm with him but it feels so wrong when I'm not with him. My heart doesn't even know what it wants either. I should go to sleep I'm so tired

--------next day

I woke up to screaming. Can there ever be a nice morning? Ugh I went downstairs to see Amy and Rachel screaming at each other "DONT BE A BITCH TO ME NOW" Amy scream at Rachel. Shit why did she have to be friends with her

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