Chapter 2

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Meeting the One Direction boys

"So, what type of instruments do you play?"He asked me.

"The piano and guitar." I responded.

"YES! Someone else who plays the guitar!" He yelled out to no one in particular.

I giggled slightly but I guess he heard because he smiled at me, showcasing his braces, which in my opinion, were totally unnecessary.

Chapter 2: Meeting the One Direction boys.

"Well Niall, we better get to work then, right?" I asked.

"O' course." He agreed.

"Ok, well I have some lyrics I was thinking of that I had jotted down in my notebook." I said while getting my notebook out in the process

"Cool, but before you show me and we start, I am going to go wash my hands, ok?" Niall said.


About a minute after Niall leaves, I received a text from Perrie.

From: Perrie:
Hey Jadey I got Louis for my buddy... Darn I wish I could have gotten Zayn. But who did you get Jadey??

To: Perrie:
Hey Perrie! Niall is my buddy. Well I better get to work. Hope you have fun!

After I texted Perrie I got a text from Jesy and Leigh-Anne.

From: Jesy:
Hey Jadey! I got Liam and Harry as my partners... I guess I get the double threat eh? Text me who your partner is, and if you know any of the girls partners do tell!

To: Jesy:
Hey Jesy. Niall and I are actually working together! And yes, you did get the double threat! And Perrie got paired with Louis by the way.

And then I received a text from Leigh-Anne. Dang, how long does it take to wash your hands...

From: Leigh-Anne:
Hey Jade! I got paired with Zayn. Poor Perrie! He is very nice though, but I'm guessing all the boys are. But text me who you got paired up with and the other girls too!

Wow I feel like I am like the communicator today! Good thing Niall hasn't come back yet.

To: Leigh-Anne:
Hey Leigh! I got paired up with Niall and poor Perrie indeed! Perrie got paired up with Louis, and Jesy has Harry and Liam the "double threat," in our words. Well hopefully you have fun with Zayn, and get some progress done.

Finally deciding that it would be a good idea to hang out tonight since we are starting to work on a new album, I quickly found our group text with all four of us and created a message.

To Perrie, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne:
Hey girls, hopefully all of you are going to have fun with the One direction boys, so I think we should hang out at our flat after we are done working? Text me when you can. Niall is in the bathroom right know sooooo yeah I guess?

After I sent that message, a couple seconds later Niall came back into the room, so I put my phone back into my bag.

"Ok are you ready to get to work?" Niall questioned.

"All ready!" I exclaimed.

"Ok. So what were you talking about that bit of lyrics you came up with?" Niall asked me sitting down.

"Oh yeah!" I said quickly pulling out and opening my little mix diary/journal, turning to the page where I wrote down the lyrics to a potential song.

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