Review simon !

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The outfit!! It was perfect for the occasion. Well as perfect as outfits for Italian reastraunt, and a movie date!

Ok so the outfit!! It was a pair of blue denim jeans, with the bottom part rolled up a little. And te top was a graphic tee, a little cropped. And the top it just had words all over it in black and the shirt was white. ( from forever 21) and I had my light pastel mint high top converse. I curled my hair, and just pinned some pieces of my hair back. I got some jewelry and a white handbag,
Before heading downstairs.

But since we were going to go to Uncle Si's house to show him our songs I just set that aside and picked out a different outfit.

I just chose a chic rose gold summer dress. And a white denim jacket, I put on my white flats with a little heel on it. I curled my hair and put on some makeup that matched my outfit. I grabbed my guitar just in case and my notebook, and a handbag.

I texted Niall to see what time we are meeting Simon.

To Ni,
Hey Niall!! So when are we going to be meeting Uncle Si?

I texted before sitting down and looking and liking some pics on twitter.

From Ni,
Hey Kat!! If your ready I can come pick you up right now?

To Ni,
That's perfect!! Can't wait!

I texted again before having a little follow spree on twitter. I heard the door bell ring so I went to open it To come face to face with Niall.

Hey Niall!! I said smiling. I stepped back so I could close the door before having a good look at him.

He was wearing a black sweater and these like army green shorts. And of course his hair was in a quiff.

Hey Kat! Ready to to? He asked me nicely.

Yeah! I said and we walked over to his black range rover.

He opened the door for me!!

Thank you. I said cutely sitting down into the passenger seat.

No problem. He said before going around the car to the drivers side.

He started the engine, and we just drove.

I went to move my hand to turn up the music.

And coincidently it was WMUB!! I smiled slightly and looked at Niall and saw him turn towards the front of him quickly.

I just ignored that, and quietly hummed to the song softly.

We are here! Niall said softly, stopping the car.

Before I could get out of the car Niall was there opening the door for me.

Thank you again!! I said nicely grabbing my notebook, handbag, and my guitar.

Niall had a notebook and his guitar.

We both walked silently to his studio saying a brief hello to the front lady.

But it was a peaceful silence.

Niall knocked on the door.

Come in. Simon said.

We both stood there for a second. Let's do this. I whispered to him, taking his hand and gently squeezing it before opening the door softly.

Hey Uncle Si. Niall said sitting down across from him so I sat in the seat next to Niall.

Niall. He said nodding his head at Niall.

Jade. He said nodding his head at me as the same way he did to Niall.

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