Chapter 5

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Heading the Ireland

"What do ya need to tell us Hun?" Said Leigh-Anne.

"Well, you know how I told you my mum moved?" I said

The all nod there heads

"But I never told you where she was moving because she never told me where she was moving."

"Where did she move too?" Perrie said speaking up.

"Well..." I say

"Tell us!" Jesy

"Well... She moved to.."

"She moved to Mullinger, Ireland." I spoke quietly

"WHAT! The girls all yelled.

"Yup. My mum also told me that they're living near where Niall's family lives, and she called me and told me to come and meet there family, but then I asked her about Niall, since ya know he is here. And she said Niall is coming down also because he was asked to meet me."

"Wow!" Perrie breathed.

"Out of all the house, of streets, in the states, of a country it is right smack next to Niall's house..." She said

"Yeah.." I muttered.

"When are you leaving?" Jesy spoke for the first time.

"Tomorrow!" I said starting to tear up.

"I'm going to miss you girls a tone!"

"We will too Jadey!" They all said in sync before hugging me.

"How long will you be gone?" Leigh-Anne questioned.

"Um 5 days I think?"

"But the song!" They all said.

"Manegmant said that we could work on them in Ireland since we live right next to each other. "I said slowly.

"Lucky! You get to be with your family!Perrie wined.

"Yes, but for 5 days girls, we will text, call, skype, and everything to each other got it!" I said to then.

"Yes Jadey!" They said in a soldier voice.

"Well, nnow that I have told you I am leaving tomorrow, I haven't packed yet!" I said to them.

"WHAT?! You haven't packed yet!" They all yelled at me.

"Well, duh I just said that. I was going to wait for you girls to help me."

"No worries Hun! Let's goo!" Jesy yelled running to my room.

Leigh-Anne and I chuckled silently at her, picking ourselves off from the ground.
Once we got into my room, Jesy was throwing clothe all over the place.

"JADEY! GO GET YOUR SUITCASE!" Jesy yelled at me.

"Okay! I'm getting it!" I yelled back.

Reaching under my bed, I grabbed my suitcase and opened it up. Setting it on the ground, I stood and looked at what the girls were doing.

Jesy, Leigh-Anne, Perrie, and I were now picking out outfits for me.

"How about this white skirt, withhhhhh this pale pink tanked crop top? With a black hat, and your white converse?" Perrie said.

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