Lets ride those rides ppl!

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Jades POV:

We just got to Disneyland and I saw that my phone call worked.

When we went to the front office the lady saw us and let us in right away.

Hey how come no one is here? Everyone wondered.

I piped up. I made a phone call so we could have a relaxen day. I said sweetly.

Aww! Thanks Jadey!! The girls said while I boys just said thanks.

So where should we go first? Harry said.

SPACE MOUNTAIN!! I yelled and so did Niall.

Let's gooo!! I said excitedly.

How about you two can go there? Perrie said?

Perrie's POV:

I knew that she would say yes. If she could go on her favorite ride. This is working our great so far!! I thought to myself.

Jade's POV:

Whatever!! Let's goooooo Niall!! I said grabbing his hand and running towards the direction of Space Mountain.

Yayayayay!!! He yelled happily running behind me.

I am so glad I wore high tops. I thought to myself.

Then we saw Space Mountain in view and I got super excited.

It's right there!!! Niall said happily running over to it.

We got into the lines and saw man working there.

Hey kids! Is it only you two? He asked us nicely.

Yuppers!! I said excited to go in the plane.

Ok you can go right ahead on the ride and I'll start it up! He said opening the doors for us too walk into the cart.

We walked in and sat side by side.
We were still holding hands so I let go of his hand and put my hands on te rails.

He had a flick of emotion on his face before putting his hands on the rail too.

Then the ride started and we went super fast!!

OMG!! That was so good!! But since that was our 3 time lets get something for a snack!! Niall said.

Yay!! I said happily.

I saw a cotton candy cart and an employ walking by.

Excuse me!! I said to him.

Yeah darling? He said turning around.

He looked older.

Do you think you could get us some cotton candy? I asked him politely.

Of course! He said running over and behind the cart.

Would you like... Two of them? He asked us starting up the machine.

Yes please!! Niall said.

The man, named Frank, got our cotton candy.

Thank you frank!! I said nicely.

No problem. Have fun today you both. He said Turing off the the machine.

While we were walking around Niall slipped his hands into mine.

His hand fit in mine like it was made just for me. (( you see what I did there?)).

I was bored so I decided to swing our hands around.

Jade and niallWhere stories live. Discover now