Parents Parents Parents

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Okay. I said to him stepping out of the car ad just looked around.

Putting my sunglasses back on, and grabbing my bags I waited for Niall and Greg.

Okay I think we've gotten everything so I'll be going in... Greg said gesturing to there house.

Okay, thanks Greg for driving us here!! I said giving him a one sided hug.

No problem Jade!! So glad that you guys could visit for a week!! He answered.

I know right!! We got lucky I guess. I said to him and he nodded turning back to go into his house leaving Niall and I out here.

Well you want to tell Them tomorrow? Niall suggested and I nodded.

Sure I want to hang with my family.

Same!! So I'll see you tomorrow!! He said to me and I nodded.

Okay!! Bye babe!! He said giving me a peck on the lips before walking over to there house.

Smiling I grabbed my bags once again walking over to the front of my house.

Taking a breath I knocked on the door.

Coming!!!! I heard my mum yell.

Who is I- JADE!!! She screamed at me surrounding me with her arms.

Hey Mum!!! I said to her hugging her back.

When did you get here!! Come in Come in!! She said to me with a wide smile opening the door wide and grabbing my bags.

Oh I just got here! I told her.

Who drove you here??


Oh okay that's good.

Setting my bags near the stairs we walked towards he kitchen.

I'm so glad your here!! It's been so boring without you Jade!! My mum said to me and I smiled sadly.

Yeha I'm sorry mum, I can ask for more break from Uncle Si? I said and she shook her head vigorously.

Oh no no no no!! You go do your thang!! But I heard a certain someone's are going ON THE ELLEN!! She squealed and I laughed.

Yeah mum!! Isn't it cool?!! I said.

Uh yeah!!! And no worries Maura and Bobby Greg and us are going to be watching you guys!! She winked at me and I laughed again.

Okay stalkers!! I giggled to her making her laugh.

Well how was the flight? She asked and we dives into a conversation about everything having a little mother daughter talk.

Checking the time I saw it was quite late and pa should be coming soon.

IM HOMMEEE!!! I heard my pa yelled and I squealed running to the direction of my pa's voice.

JADE!!! He said in his loud booming voice.

Hey PA!! I said to him giving him a hug and he hugged me back.

I've missed you Pa!! I said to him and he chuckled.

I'm sure you did sweets. I'm sure you did.

I swear!!! I said crossing my fingers showing how "tight" we are.

Oh okay!! You 'swear' he said laughing before ruffling my hear, and entering the kitchen where my mum was.

Hey Jade! My brother Karl said to me giving r a quick squeeze.

Hey Big bro! I said hugging him back before we both rushed upstairs to our room.

I grabbed my bags, walking over to my room and opening the doors.

Ahh! Home. Sweet. Home.

( if you forgot how her room look's go back to chapter 6 )

Setting my bag down by the door, I went and sat down on my bed relaxing for a bit.

Taking in everything.

After that little relaxing moment, I finally decided on getting up and putting the clothe I brought away even though I had so many.

Thinking I had just went on a plane ride and it's almost 6 I went and took a shower.

Stepping out of the shower I went over towards my closet thinking of what to wear.

Quickly just choosing a CF ( Connor franta merch ) Cats shirt, and slipping on a pair of denim high waisted shorts I just brushed through my ombré hair letting it air dry. Just putting on some mascara, lip balm, and concealer I grabbed my phone and headed back downstairs.

Seeing my mum and my pa in the living room watching some soccer ( football in Merica ) I rushed over to there sides to hopefully 'bond' with them.

Hey kiddo!! My pa said to me giving me a warm hug before sitting back down.

Hey pa!!

So how's out little Miss. Jade's life? Hmm?? He asked me.

Uhm well nothing much. Oh wait!! I said and he raised an eyebrow.

We released one of our singles a couple days ago!!! I said to him.

Ahh, yes I heard!! He said.

And I also heard that I had called you on stage!! He mused to me chuckling slightly.

I flushed awkwardly thinking of what to say before I thought of something.

Oh yeah!! Sorry bout dat pa!! It was actually ma texting me, and I guess I just messed up your guys names... And you can't go back on what you say after it's heard in this business. I said and he nodded amusingly.

Sure sure okay! He said to me laughing a bit.

So what did I miss? I asked him and he shrugged.

Nothing much! Just little fickle things in a normal life of a dad of a super star! He said smiling at me making me laugh.

Oh how I missed my family.

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