Total Matchy's

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That was a great concert girls!! I said feeling my andreline rush thorough me.

I know right!! That was amazing! We have another concert on Wednesday. Jesy said. Today was Monday so in a day I thought to myself.

Hey girls!! The lads want to take us to Nandos? What about it? Perrie asked looking at her phone waiting for us to reply an answer to text back

Sure we haven't seen the lads since this morning! Jesy said jokingly.

Ok! Perrie said excitedly.

Well they are going to pick us up in about 2 hours so let's head home and get ready!! Perrie said running over to the care. There was a crowd of fans outside so we got home in about 45 minutes even tho it's a 30 minute drive.

Ok meet here when your done!! Jesy said. And then we all wizzed off to our rooms. But Jesy and Leigh-Anne went to our guest room cause they have some of there stuff there.

I ran to my room and took a 15 minute shower.

Than i jumped out and I looked for an outfit.

Than again PERRIE can to the rescue.

Hey Jadey watch doin? Perrie asked leaning against the pillar.

I don't know what to wear!!! I yelled in frustration.

Well!! She said looking at her phone from the side of her eyes.

I saw that and I wanted to see what she was looking at so when she went to go choose my clothe I got her phone and yelled 'GOING TO THE B-ROOM!!' Than I ran to the bathroom locking it.

She had a password.... Um would could it be... Perrie? Nope little mix? Nope Zayn? Yes!! Ok what was the most recent? Oh.. I read her texts because she was opener up to Zayn's number. Maybe he had something to do with it.

Than I read this!

Zayn: Ok we are doing pretty good so far. We should work faster tho just incase they get taken...

Perrie: I don't think that would happen. They are just to... Innocent to date right now.

Zayn: then isn't what we are trying to do a little.. Mean?

Perrie: no!! They like each other you can tell but we know that none of them now that yet so we have to help them.

Next day

Zayn: hey! Niall is wearing a red polo and white jeans!

Perrie: k thanks babe. I'll match em up!!

Zayn: k! See you soon coming in an hour.

I took a picture of this and than I ran back to my room. I saw Perrie still looking through my closet so I set her phone where it was last time.

AHAH!!! She yelled out pulling out an outfit that totally matched Niall's outfit with mine.

Why are they trying to do this?

If I go along with this I wonder what they will do... I'll just see and go along with whatever they are doing to meh!

Although the outfit she chose was cute!!!

It was a red summer dress with a white belt. It's like the top part was a little more fit and the bottom part flowed out. And she have me these white high top converse.

I love it!!! I said excitedly grabbing the items and putting it on.

I curled my hair to make it look.. Curly but cute. And I took a couple strands of hair and pinned it to the back of my head with a white bow. And than I just did my regular makeup routine. I grabbed my white handbag, through some stuff into there and walked downstairs.

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