Lets do dis

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From Ni Ni,
Hey Babe!! Wanna go drop by Simons? And the parents?
From Ni.

I smiled and texted him back remembering we are dating 😂!

From Me!,
Sure love tooooo!! Wat time? Any times good for meh.
From me!

He texted back

From Ni Ni,
Um how about 2:30? I can pick you up at your flat.
From Ni.

From Me!,
Okay! Sounds perf see you than!
From me!

We texted just a little but more before we said our goodbyes. I finished my bagel and went to wash my hands.

Hey girls so wadda doing today? I asked them, walking back to the love seat.

I've gotta go work on te song. Perrie said.

Same. Jesy said.

And probably Leigh-Anne is the same huh? I said sighing just a tad.

Yeah but we can all go out later for like dinner or something? Since we haven't all gone out in a long time. Perrie suggested.

Ooh!! Sounds fun. I've gotta run and get ready but text me where we are going and when!! She yelled walking over to grab her things.

Okay! Have fun writing!! I yelled and Perrie yelled a goodbye as well.

And when are you working on your songs? I asked Perrie just replying to some comments on twitter and Instagram.

I should probably start getting ready. I'm meeting with Louis at 12:45, and I want to be a tad early.

Time: 11:03

Okai. I'm gonna head out and go shopping!! I told her grabbing my brown booties and slipping them on, and slipping on my sunglasses.

Okai!! See you later!! I'll text you when and where okay!? Perrie yelled back to me from her room.

Okai!! I yelled back exciting our flat.

I started to drive to the mall, thinking of nothing in particular, and we than arrived.

I stepped out grabbing my handbag, and walked in.

I think some people noticed me but didn't say anything.

I went to forever 21, h&m, loft, banana republic, Zara, Aeropostale,urban outfitters, love culture and more and more stores.

When I was exciting the mall, I had about like 7 bags of clothe!!! Lol I went on a rampage. I checked the time and saw it was 1:30. I quickly headed home, and put everything slightly neatly away. I freshened up a bit and layed down onto my bed for a second. I checked the time again and it was just around 2:15. He should be here soon.

I just played around with my phone a little but, until I heard the doorbell ring!! I quickly popped in a fresh mint and rushed to the door. I opened it to meet a big smiling Niall!

Hey Ni! I said smiling closing the door behind me.

Hey Jade. He said giving my a peck on the cheek.

So how was your day? I asked him, while he opened the door for me and rushed to the other side.

It was great! The lads went out to work in the songs so I just relaxed all day. He said starting the car up.

Ooh sounds Totally relaxing. I just... Actually I did be same thing except I went out a little. I said thinking about my 'SO busy' day.

He chuckled softly.

So where we headed to? I asked him.

I texted uncle si and he said he's at his house, so were headed there! He told me taking a left.

We just talked about some more stuff. Like how our tour will be, and the others songs and stuff.

And than we arrived to his house!

Niall being a gentleman of course opened the door for me.

I smiled great fully and we walked to his front door.

Niall knocked on the door.

And than it opened.

Hey guys! I didn't expect to see you so soon!! Uncle Si told us smiling, gesturing for us to go into his house.

Thanks Uncle Si! Niall said giving him those 'bro hugs' boys do.

Hey Uncle Si! I said hopeingly gracefully.

Nice to see you also Jade! He said closing the door behind us.

We stepped into his living room.

So what do I oh for this special visit? He asked us sitting down and telling us
To do the same.

We of course sat down.

Well we wanted to tell you. Niall started.

Are you guys finally dating? Uncle So cut us off smirking kinda. It's pretty weird looking smirk for Simon if I say so myself. 😂👍

Ah yeah! How did you know? Niall asked again? Questionable lay.

Well it was pretty obvious the moment you texted me where i was and you needed to 'tell' me something. Emphasizing on the word tell. Simon spoke.

Well yeah were dating! I said happily. I could see Niall smile at the edge of my, so I clasped our hands together and I saw his smile widen.

Well thank you for telling me anyways. So now to serious business. He said.

I say we don't tell the media intilk someone might find out about it. We stay low on this okay kids.

Okay. We both said.

Good, now you kids go, cause i need to work! He said standing up.

Okay by Uncle Si!! I said to him giving him a quick hug. Niall did the same except for the bro thingy instead.

We finally left and started driving home.

Jade and niallWhere stories live. Discover now