Interview w/ Chel

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Uh no we aren't dating, but were good friends since we work together. I answered to Chelsea and the Perrie snorted making Chelsea look at her.

What!! Perrie said faking innocence.

Oh nothing.! She sang song.

So how's album making girls? Chelsea asked us and Jesy answered.

Oh it's great, and it's so helpful for the the boys to help us with the album!!

Even though Simon made us finished an album, it's great that he gave us... Minimal help! She explained making us giggle.

Awesome!! So did you guys finish writing our songs? Or the album or did you FINish in parts yet? She asked.

Well Niall and Jade finished writing there songs, cause there really good at writing, but the rest of us haven't finished quite yet.

Oh so how long do you have left to finish? She questioned.

Um we have about 2 weeks and 4 days left? Leigh- Anne answered with a question and we all nodded in confirmation.

Oh so did Niall and Jade make the song you guys are going to perform for us? Getting tones of cheers from the crowd.



AND CUT!! The director said.

Great job as always girls!! Chelsea said to us.

Thanks I said to her with a smile.

So are you guys dating?!!! Chelsea asked me.

Who me? I asked looking around to see if she was talking to anyone else.

Yes you silly!!! Who else??

Oh I don't know Perrie?! I suggested making them laugh.

Oh yeah Perrie your engaged to Zayn!! And than they all started talking about Zayn and Perrie.

I'm glad I steered her away from Niall and I. It's not That I don't want people to knows it's just that I want my parents to know first. And since were leaving the day after tomorrow we don't have much time in between telling the world.

Girls were starting in 2. Someone yelled to Us and the girls and I nodded and stood up to go up on stage. Someone handed me my guitar.






And them Chelsea started talking.

And welcome back!! And here to perform there new single for the first Time let's welcome Little Mix singing Little Me!! Chelsea said into the microphones and the are blew up with screams and shouts.

I settled myself before I started playing guitar and so did the other instruments.

And than we sang.

She lives in the shadow of a lonely girl
Voice so quiet you don't hear a word,
Always talking but she can't be heard,

Getting sudden cheers from the crowd I smiled but kept on strumming

You can see there if you catch her eye,
I know she's brave but it's trapped inside,
Scared to talk but she don't know why,

Wish I knew back then
What I know now.
Wish I could somehow
Go back in time and maybe listen to my own advice.

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