Double Date

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Since I knew already what I was going to wear I took a longer shower than usual.

I stepped out of the bathroom and put on my clothe before blow drying my hair. I decided to just curl my hair and just spray a spritz of hairspray to let it last just a bit. I put on some jewelry and of course my ring from Niall, and put on my booties. I just did some simple makeup though. I put on some concealer, and curled and put mascara on my eyelashes. I primed and put on some matte brown eyeshadow and in he middle I added a tint of a bright mint blue color! On the sides of it I put a bit of white. I lined my eyelids and filled my eyebrows in barley. And that's all really, I don't really put on blush and bronzer unless nesisary. I just put in some burts bees Chapstick and headed downstairs but not before grabbing my white handbag.

I checked the time again and saw that it was 7:30. So I just went on some of my social Medias until I heard Perrie walking down. I glanced up at her and saw that she was wearing a pair of these green and yellow funky pair of shorts with a plain white crop top stopping about belly button.

Hey Jadey!! You look awesome! Perrie said sitting next to me.

Oh thanks you look great also! I said to her happily than going back to my phone as well as she did.

And than the doorbell rang so Perrie and I both stood up to get it.

I'll get it! We both said at the same time and I cracked a smile.

Oh no it's okay, I'll get it!! We said again at the same time.

I'll get it! I said finally rushing to go get it and greeted by Zayn and Niall.

Hey lads!! I said to them when Perrie came up behind me.

Hey guys! She said.

Ready to go? Zayn asked and we nodded.

I went next to Niall and we laced our fingers together, all four of us walking back to the car.

So where we going?!! I asked happily bouncing slightly up and down the chair we were sitting on.

Somewhereeee! Niall answered me with a goofy smile on his face making me giggle.

I took a glance over at Zayn and Perrie and saw that they were in a deep conversation about something unknown to the world!

I'm guessing your not going to tell me where were going. I said pouting slightly after the 3rd time of asking.

Exactly! He said with a smirk making me pout.

Heh guys were here!!! Zayn said to us and I smiled widely.

Niall of course helped me out of the car, and we laced our fingers together. He grabbed a basket and so did Zayn and than we just followed wherever the boys were going!

Once What felt like seconds we arrived to an opening. It was beautiful!!! There were lights strung all around the trees and a big what looked like soft blanket in the middle.

Awe!! Did you guys do this by yourselves? I asked Niall and he nodded.

Yeah, so do you like it? He asked me hopefully and I giggled.

Of course!! It's so pretty I said taking another look around the area.

Well come on then let's to eat!! He said grabbing my hand and led me to the soft blanket and we sat down.

That night we all had our talks and laughs. Some serious talk but mostly all light chatter. Which was perfect!!

So when are you guys going to Mullinger? Zayn piped up making me glance at Niall.

Uh 3 days from today. Niall answered and he nodded and I smiled.

Ooh! I can't wait to go see them again! I said excitedly leaning against Niall's chest since I was in between his two legs.

He wrapped his arms around, which I felt was such a very comfortable position.

Ah!! Let me take a PICTURE!!! Perrie squealed grabbing her phone and making us pose.

I giggled at her and I felt the vibration of Niall chuckle.

So we smiled and made some goofy faces at the camera when FINALLY she out her phone down.

We all kept on talking until Niall piped up.

Wanna go walk around? He whispered to me and I looked at him.

Sure I'd love to!! I said sweetly so he stood up and held out his hand for me which I great fully took.

Hey guys were gonna go and walk around a bit. Niall told Zayn and Perrie who were talking to each other.

Okay! Zayn said.

Don't wander to far guys! Perrie also stated and than they both went back to there own sweet little world.

So we clasped our hands together and followed a path.

I can't wait to go back to Ireland again. Niall said after a moments silence.

Yeah me too. I hope your parents still like me!! I joked to him, and he rolled his eyes but smiled giving me a quick peck on the lips making me smiled goofily.

Of course!! They'll probably fall in love with you!! He said suddenly kinda awkwardly.

How do you know that? I said nervous that maybe they WON'T like me!! What if they don't!! Oh that would be HORRIBLE!! I thought to myself.

Because I love you. Niall said to me his gaze piercing into my eyes.

WOAH!! Did you guys expect that?! You probably did huh? I'm predictable ik. It was a spur of the moment type of thought.

But hey sorry for all these pauses and breaks. I just came back from a months trip to another country. As y'all know and I'm so jetlagged cause I got back yesterday and I went to sleep at like 5 in the morning.

But ALSO THANKS SO MUCH FOR 10K READS!! Like wow!! I can't even think about it that I have that MANY people reading this story. So thank you guys so much each and every 10 thousand reader of you from the bottom of my heart!!

Ly! Stay Awesome! <3 bai!

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