Chapter 11

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Dream Boys?

You gotta speak up, you gotta shout out,
And know that right here, right now,
You can be beautiful, wonderful,
Anything you wanna be,

Little me

Niall and I strummed lastly, finishing out notes, the guitar hum left to idle around the room.

" That was..."

Chapter 11:

"That was fantastic! You kids are so talented!" Aunt Maddy said, clapping madly and smiling so big her smile was half of her face.

"Thank you." I said smiling and then I looked at Niall who was smiling also.

"That was wonderful! You are so talented. Well that was very nice to hear but I better go on and finish up my work for the day. Nice to meet you Jade." Uncle Henry said, standing up and sticking out his hand.

"Thank you Uncle Henry and it was so nice to meet you also." I said shaking his hand kinda firmly.

He smiled at me warmly and went over to whisper something to Niall, who blushed after that, and then walked outside.

"Niall, go help Uncle Henry. I want to chat with Jade over here." Aunt Maddy said waving over to me.

"Ok Aunt Maddy." Niall said standing up, but came over to me to whisper something.

"Good luck with her Jade! She's a handful!" He said and smiled before walking outside the same way Uncle Henry had gone.

"Well." Was Aunt Maddy said.

"Hmm?" I asked her smiling.

"So, does a young lady like you have a boyfriend?" She asked me.

"Sadly, no." I said with a laugh

"Uh hu." She said looking at me thoughtfully.

"Well...,  she said, you and Niall seem like really good friends huh?" Ain't Maddy asked me.

"Yeah, I said happily, I've never met him before until like a couple of days ago. But I  knew who they were before because of Zayn who had told me about them all the time. Wait, um I mean I knew them before, wait scratch that, I knew stuff ABOUT them, yes, about them, but I have never met them before and when I did meet them they were all so kind, sweet, jumpy and energetic people." I said.

"Sorry I was rambling!" I said, blushing lightly.

Aunt Maddy just smiled at me.

Sitting there, we just sat there in silence for a few seconds awkwardly, maybe just for me, for a few seconds.

"Oh, uh yeah." She stuttered out.

Hmm weird.

"Here, let me just get straight to the point." She said out of the blue.

"Sure!" I said, grabbing another cookie.

"So you have never had a boyfriend? That's really sad." She said, whispering that part thinking I never heard that. Should I be offended?

I was so surprised by the question I spit out the cookie that was in my mouth all over the table.

"Oh my gosh!" I said covering my hand with my mouth.

"I am so, so, soooo sorry! Here let me clean this up." I said, suddenly grabbing a napkin, and picking up the 'stuff' that came out of my mouth.

Leave it to me to make a great impression.

"Oh it's ok darling. So answer my questions, yes?" She asked me. Pushy much?

"Ok, so yeah I have never had a boyfriend before."  I said again to her feeling live I've been repeating myself.

"Oh, so what would you want your perfect boy to be like." She asked, leaning back into the couch so I leaned back too.

"Well for them to be nice, caring, probably understanding of my life and it's schedules, all the hate they would probably get, um have blue or brown eyes, um love to eat food like me! And um I wouldn't mind if I can go somewhere because of my work and if they have blonde or brown hair. And and and they have an accent and a lovely family." I said thinking of  my dream guy.

After a minute it was just silent.

"Oh I'm so sorry I rambled again!" I blushed, this time a deeper type of red.

"Oh darling!" She said noticing before reaching over to engulf me in a humongous hug.

"Yes?" I whispered awkwardly hugging her back.

"You are perfect for our little Nialler." She whispered.

"What!" I said jumping a little.

"Well,  she said, leaning back looking at me with a sweet and warm and welcoming smile, you just literally described him."

And then I  thought.

Did I really just do that. Well he does have blonde hair.. and those blue eyes that I love.. And he loves food and would understand the hate and my work cause he goes through the same exact thing as me...

"Yeah your right he can." She said.

"Wait did I say that out loud?" I asked looking at her.

"Yes, yes you did."

Wow, I need to stop doing that. I thought to myself.

"Yeah you should." She said.

I sighed. "I did it again huh."

"Yeah," She said. laughing quietly to herself with a small smile.

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