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I think that was the worst couple hours of the week! I said to Niall who nodded.

We had just landed, from the worst pilot ever!! I swear he was high or something. But right now we are just waiting for our bags, trying not to be seen with our sunglasses and hats, me pulling on a oversized sweatshirt.

Found them!! I heard Niall murmer quickly before rushing over to get our bags, thanking him when he gave them to me.

Thanks Ni!! I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

No problem love. And Greg just texted me saying that he is already here and is up front waiting for us. Niall said to me.

Okay! I said to him grabbing my bag and wheeling it, but than it was quickly takin away.

Huh? I said and than saw Niall was holding my bag with a half smirk on his face.

NiNi!! I whined to him.

Come on!! I'm the boyfriend, so I'm supposed to hold your stuff for you!! He stated back and I thought.

Huh, wow my boyfriend. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Hey anyone did you know were dating?!! Yeah we are.

Well than thanks babe! I said to him win a bright smile, and we just stayed silent until we reached the gates and saw Greg waiting up front.

Once he saw us he immediately rushed out of the car towards us, giving us Botha. Big hug.

Jade!!! Niall!!! Great to see you to!!! He said with his booming voice making us shush him.

Greg!! Be quite we don't want to be seen!! Niall whisper hissed to his brother who nodded immediately grabbing out bags and motioning us to go to his car.

Grabbing my hand, we walked into the car, Niall going up front and me going in the back. Finally Greg came back from the trunk, starting the engine and going on our dandy way.

So... How was your flight? He asked us breaking he silence.



Well that sounds fantastic!! And how was the food on the plane? He asked again.



Well that's great also... He muttered. After another wave of silence he cleared his throat before speaking again.

Why did you guys come?? He asked us.

Huh? Niall said to him.

Why are you guys here. In Ireland? Aren't you supposed to be on tour?? Greg asked again while Niall glanced at me through the rear view while I just shrugged.

Well... You see... Niall said awkwardly.

Were dating. I blurted out quickly, taking a quick peek at Greg's face.

Shock. Proudness. Amusement....( geez thanks Greg)

Really?!! Greg said to us with a big smile and we nodded slowly.

Well that's great!!! Finally!! Niall you haven't dated anyone since... Um since... Greg muttered.

I don't remember the last time you dated someone! He said truthfully glancing at Niall to see him blush a tad.

Well congratz guys!! I'm guessing that's why your here? To tell the parents? He asked.

Uh yeah. I said.

Cool. He said nodding slightly.

Somewhere in that silence Niall reached to turn on the radio. Coincidence that it was talking about us huh?

Yes john!! Strange why Little Mix and One Direction have canceled anything they will have for the next week except for the week after that!! A lady said.

And what is next week Nancy?!! The guy john said.

Oh so her names Nancy.

I just noticed all three if us are listening to the radio.

Well One Direction and Little Mix are going to have an interview with Ellen!!! She squeaked into the microphone sharply making me wince from hoe loud it was!!

Really!! Well I have noticed on twitter: Jade, Niall, and Liam having a couple chats here and there but nothing so big. John guy said.

Agreed! But for now let's listen to what makes you beautiful by One Direction!!! Nancy said and than the familiar tune came up.

Well that was awkward.. Greg said.

Yeah it was.

I didn't know we had anything this week.. I thought it was a free bee, and since we finished our songs and everything. Niall said scratching his neck awkwardly.

Same here. I said to him pulling out my phone and quickly texting Perrie.

To Perrie: Hey!! I never knew you guys canceled any interviews we have this week!! I thought it was a free bee!!
Love Jadey xoxox.

Most of the car ride was just Greg, Niall, and I chatting about out songs and such and about out parents and finally Perrie texted back.

From Perrie: uh yeah! Uncle Si wanted you guys to get a little break for finishing early, so he decided that you guys could have a week off!! Wasn't that sweet of em?!!
Love Perrie xxoo

Quickly I texted back.

To Perrie: totally sweet of em!! And oh! I get it cause we were listening to the radio and they mentioned us and stuff.
Love Jadey xoxoxo.

From Perrie: ah okay! Well have fun in Ireland!! Hope everything goes swell!
Love Perrie xxxoxoo

To Perrie: okay we will, and thanks!!
Love Jadey xxxoxoo

I sent before setting down my phone before looking up.

After about 10 minutes Greg spoke again.

Guys were here.

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