Chapter 8

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"Oh ok." My mum said understanding it quickly.

"Yeah, so we have to go work on the song." Niall said.

"You kids can go outside or something to practice." Niall's dad said, the other parents nodding.

"Ok, thank we." We said gathering my stuff up and than we headed outside, to start working on the next song.

Chapter 8:

"So Niall since you know this place a little better than me, how about you choose some place that no one could find us at?" I suggested to him.

"Sure, my aunt lives pretty close by. She has a really big field for her backyard and no one would listen to us except for maybe my aunt but she wouldn't do anything." Niall said.

"Ok cool! How far is her house." I asked

"Oh maybe like 30 minutes away. Do you want to drive there?" Niall asked.

"Sure!" I said turning around, as we are going to Niall's car.

"Ok." He said opening the door for me.

"Thank you!" I said, smiling up at him.

"No problem!" He said smiling back at me.

We literally just talked about everything and anything that was put into our minds. There was never an awkward moment, during the car ride.

"Well here we are!" Niall said driving up into a driveway leading its way to a big country side house.

"Is your aunt a farmer?" I asked walking out of the car carefully.

"My Uncle is." He said while going over to knock on the door.

I nodded to him, my guitar hung around me back carefully while holding my bag on my inner elbow, to balance out the weight.

"Hello? Oh Niall! Your home, such a surprise to see you!" His aunt said.

I just stood there smiling at there reunion.

"Oh and who is this?" His aunt said looking over at me while smiling brightly.

"Oh this is my... friend Jade!" Niall said to his aunt.

"Hello Jade! My name is Maddy. But please call me Aunt Maddy!" His aunt said.

"Hello Aunt Maddy!" I said giving her a warm, welcoming hug

"Please come in kids!" His aunt said ushering both of us into their living room I'm guessing.

"Soooo! Are you kids dating?" Maddy said after we all settled in.

"Oh no!" We both said.

"We are just friends!" I said

Niall nodded agreeing with me.

"Mhm hmm sure..." His aunt said suspiciously.

"So not to be rude, but why are you kids here?" Maddy asked.

We explained everything to her about the album, and the pairings and every other detail.

"Oh well you kids could go work outside in the field. Uncle James might be there but he might just say hi. It won't be a bother. And later I'll bring some snacks! And call up your mum to tell her where you are."

"Ok thank you so much Aunty Maddy!" I said to her giving her a big hug.

She smiled brightly saying no problem. I grabbed my guitar and my bag and walked to what I thought the field was.

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