Leaving Aunty coming home Mother!!

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Uncle Henry walked out of the room so
It was me, Niall, and Aunty.

Then Aunty's phone beeped.

She read it and looked up.

Ok Jade! If you are ready we should leave in about 20-30 minutes? Aunty asked.

Yeah that's great I'll get my stuff!! I said nicely going upstairs to get my things.

I'll come with you!! Niall said.

KK! I yells back behind me.

After we got to our room he sat down on the bed and pulled out his laptop.

Watch doing? I asked him grabbing my bag and et cetera.

Going on Skype to skype the girls and the lads. Niall said to me.

Ok cool I'll come over in coups of mins! I said happily to see to lads again.

Hey guys! I hear in the distance.

I put all my stuff into my bag, and got my guitar and set it by the bed.

Then I walked over to where Niall was and sad down next to him.

HEY LADS HEY GIRLS!! I said happily.

Jade!!! We misssss you!! All the girls said.

Misssssss ya toooo! I said dragging the S and the O.

But I'm coming home the day after tomorrow. So is Ni! I said excitedly.

Yuppers! He said sitting down so the could see his stomach.

We talked for a couple more minutes till Aunty called us.

Guys! We have to leave Aunty just called us. I said sadly.

Ok Jade! Skype us when you get back we have some things we need to talk about. Perrie said and the other two nodded.

And Niall. Skype us later also. We have some things to discuss too. Liam said and the boys agreed.

Awkward I whispered to Niall.

I know right! He whispered back.

By lads! Bye girls! I said.

Bye! They said. Then Niall ended the skype call.

Come on Jade! He said happily.

Coming! I said grabbing my guitar and my bag.

We ran downstairs and out the door.

We rushed into the car because Aunty was already in there.

when we got there Aunty parked into the drive way.

Thank you so much for letting me stay over. I had an amazing time. I said nicely.

Oh! No problem darling! Come again please! She said happily.

Of course! I said smiling.

And Ni tell me what the lads say.

And you same! He said smiling. He gave me a quick peck on the check before I walked into the house.

I blushed a little but I still had to make an appearances.


Jade!! Your home finally!! My mum said rushing over and giving me a hug.

Yes I am here mum! I said happily hugging her back.

Ok go and say hi to Karl and tell him to go to sleep. And sing for dad! She said shooing me away.

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