Third Song and Loner Par-Tay

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So.... I said eating my cotton candy.

Where did you get that from? Leigh-Anne asked me pointing to my cotton candy.

Oh we got it at this machine. I said taking another bite.

We? Perrie asked.

Niall and I. I said.

Oh. They said.

Since everyone was kinda now ignoring me I decided to text one of my closest friends. Zoey.. If you have heard of her she has a YouTube channel called Zoella.

Hey Zo!! ~jadeyxxxx

Hey Jadey!!! We haven't talked in forever!! ~Zoeyxxxx.

IKR! We need to catch up. Meet at your house? ~Jadeyxxxx

Of course!! Can't wait! I moved tho so here is my new address! ******** ~Zoeyxxxx

Ok thanks see you tommo at.. How about 5:30?~ jadeyxxxx

Perfect!! See you than.~Zoeyxxxx

K bye!~Jadeyxxxx

I checked the time and saw it was 10:53 pm.. Dang! Time flys!

Since I don't think no one noticed the time so I just went on Instagram. And posted a picture of me making a yuck face.

Hangin with the lads and the girls. Just on Instagram lol. ~Jadexx!!

I posted and I got tones of likes and comments b4 going on twitter.

@JadeOfficial: Hey guys!! Wat sup I'm bored ~ Jadeyxxx

I got another tweet from.. Niall? I looked up and I saw Niall on his phone. Probably twitter.

@NiallOfficial:@JadeOfficial I'm bored too. Everyone's ignoring meh.

@JadeOfficial: @NiallOfficial forever alone buddies? Even though were in the same room!!?? #foreveralone #loners

@NiallOfficial: @JadeOfficial well duh! #foreveralone #loners

I looked up the trends and






Were trending.

@JadeOfficial: @NiallOfficial looks what's trending? #foreveralone #loner #niallandjadelonerbuddies #lonerparty

@NiallOfficial: @JadeOfficial our fans know how to make something trend!!

@JadeOfficial: @NiallOfficial yuppers!! We has the bestiest fans Eva.

@Real_Liam_Payne: @JadeOfficial @NiallOfficial what is this? We are supposed to be socializing with the others!

@JadeOfficial: @Real_Liam_Payne @NiallOfficial this is our loner party du duh! You can join!! Wann?!

@NiallOfficial: @JadeOfficial @Real_Liam_Payne yeah join us! It's boring with only 2 ppl no offense Jade :)

@Real_Liam_Payne: @JadeOfficial @NiallOfficial lol! Why did I come on twitta!!! Sure why not? So what are we doing?

@JadeOfficial: @NiallOfficial @Real_Liam_Payne YAYAYA! Three ppl now!

@EllenPage: @NiallOfficial @JadeOfficial @Real_Liam_Payne what is this!?! A loner party? Without me! I am shunning you all!!

@Real_liam_Payne: @NiallOfficial @JadeOfficial @EllenPage sorry Ellen it's only ppl who are I'm bands :( wish you could be in it though!

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