I Love Youz

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I can't wait to go back to Ireland again. Niall said after a moments silence.

Yeah me too. I hope your parents still like me!! I joked to him, and he rolled his eyes but smiled giving me a quick peck on the lips making me smiled goofily.

Of course!! They'll probably fall in love with you!! He said suddenly kinda awkwardly.

How do you know that? I said nervous that maybe they WON'T like me!! What if they don't!! Oh that would be HORRIBLE!! I thought to myself.

Because I love you. Niall said to me his gaze piercing into my eyes.


Wha-what? I sputtered.

Em... I really really really really like you. No I really really LOVE you. I love your smile how the sides of your lips turn up. I love the way that when you laugh you have a beautiful twinkle in your eyes. I love when your nervous you pinch at your clothe with your hands. I really love you. Niall said to me looking me into my eyes the entire time.

I love you too. I whispered to him but of course he heard, engraved into his face with a humongous smile. He than leaned into my and kissed me passionately.

What felt like only seconds but was probably longer, we decided that we should walk back or the Zerrie might think we got lost or something.

We approached Zerrie and they saw us.

Oh my goodness!! Where were you guys!! We were so worried!!! Perrie squeeked out loud running over to us to give Me a huge hug and than hitting Niall lightly on the arm.

Sorry Perrie Berrie we just wandered off a bit farther than we intended to.

Okay, but we should get going thought we have an interview tomorrow with Chelsea Briggs. Perrie said to me and I nodded.

Oh okay. I answered and the boys drove us home, saying our good nights Perrie and I went to our flat and fell asleep into a wonderful dream.




My phone gave me the Notice, making me wake up from my deep slumber. I checked to see who texted me and saw it was from Leigh and it was 6:12.

From Leigh:
Hey Jadey!! Wanted to wake u up cause ik you wouldn't wake up on time ;). Our interviews at 8:30 so Jesy and I will come and pick you up at 7:30 cause it takes about 45 mins to get there. See you than!! Bai.

I quickly texted back an okay before I hurriedly jumped into the shower. I stepped out and just threw on my tight pleated denim trousers with a striped sheersucker ruffle cami. I curled my ombré hair, and I put on my brown booties with tassels. I just did so minimal makeup. Since I have like clear skin and all I barley use concealer a lot. I just dabbed some on to where I think I should put it. I fill in my eyebrows realistically, curled and put on mascara and added some matte polished pastel sky blue eyeshadow with some matte brown eyeshadow to make it into a very highlighted smokey eye. I slid on some pink lipgloss before grabbing my guitar since we were going to be performing one of our new singles. Well one of my songs that we picked into a single.

I headed downstairs and had a quick breakfast. I saw it was 7:29.

Hmm they should be here soon. I heard a honk outside and knew they were here. I also heard Perrie stepping downstairs as usual dresses up very casual with just a pair of dark purple jeans with a black plain pocket tshirt on. So her hair showed out noticeable.

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