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Thank you. I said to him and sitting down opposite of Niall.

We just made some small talk about the food intilk out waiter came who was kinda an old guy.

Ello!! I will be your waiter for today. My name is mark and what can I get you for your drinks? He asked us with a radiating smile.

May I have the orange sorbet cornet please I asked him nicely.

Of course young lady and for you sir? He asked Niall.

May I have the raspberry mix chosch please. He asked.

PErfect! I'll bring it right up! Mark said and I gave him a small smile.

After he left there was a silent silence. So I RLLY like the songs that we had made but I feel like you did all the work. Niall said sheepishly.

Oh no problem! It was soooooo much fun!! I said happily.

The drinks were brought and thanks were said before I took a sip of my drink.

Mhm this is good. I said quietly.

So you wanna play like a question game or something like that? Niall asked me.

Sure! I said getting more comfortable in my chair.

Okay I'll I first. Um.... What is your favorite color? { I'm just writing down some stuff. It might not be real thought }

Um I really like pastel blue. I said.

I like brick red. He said.

Cool! How long have you been living in London. I asked him.

Well as you know I lived in Ireland but than I moved here for the X Factor and know I kinda live here with the lads. So for a couple years now he said smiling.

Cool. I've lived here my whole life. Well for like my staple home.

Mark came back and we ordered our good and than kept on playing our little game.

So how many people have you dated? Niall asked me.

Um... I said sheepishly... Only one person but that was a long time ago and I don't really count it as a relationship. I said.

Oh. He said thoughtfully.

He probably thinks I'm a loner :(.

Well if it makes you feel better I've only dated one person also! And that was really only for a month... He said also.

I smiled noticing we had SOME things in common.

So do you like to dance? I asked him.

Eh so so. The lads hate to dance especially Zayn, but we have to because our cheographer said we had to. Also Uncle Simon.

Oh well I love dancing. I dance for my passion before I auditioned for the X factor and I kind of stopped then because I've been so busy lately.

Well some day you will have to show me your dance moved. He said cheekily.

Well see I said winking.

We just stared at each other for a minute and just burst out laughing getting looks from the other tables.

I have ----n-no Idea why we are laughing he said slightly cooling down.

Me either I said wiping a tear that had fallen.

Okay serious question! I said

Okay. He said smiling.

Are you virgin? I asked him questionably.

Yeah... He said awkwardly. Ahh! Stupid MEEE I just remember we only dated one person.

Me tooooo. I said dragging out he I softly.

He perked up a bit. Okay my then! He said.

If you has to choose your favorite relative who would it be? He asked me.

My little cousin, Caylee. I said confidently.

Really! He said surprised that I answered so quickly.

I nodded my head.

I love my little cousin also! His name is theo. He's adorable! He said mindlessly probably thinking of his cousin.

Cute how old is he? I asked when Mark brought our food.

Thank you. I said to him smiling.

He nodded in acknowledgment.

He's 4. He said taking a bit of his food.

AWWW! Caylee is 3. I said also talking a bite of my salad.

Sweet. There the cutest than. There always cute when there little he said.

We just talked a little in between bites. After we were done he paid and we got out.

Uh oh... There's a lot of paparazzi! I said.

It's okay here come on follow my lead am hold tightly.

We ran out of the door and I held tightly to his hand.




people yelled everywhere.

I we a blinded by light but I was used to it. I followed Niall and we finally made it to his car, having peoples body slam into our car.

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